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HomeBreaking News“The union of Sarah Wagenknecht” - EADaily, September 24, 2024 - Politics...

“The union of Sarah Wagenknecht” – EADaily, September 24, 2024 – Politics News, Russian News

The results of the elections to the state parliament in Brandenburg clearly show the majority of the region’s residents’ disagreement with the deployment of US missiles on German territory, as well as the desire of citizens for a peaceful solution to the Ukrainian crisis, said Amira Mohamed Ali, co-chair of Sarah Wagenknecht’s Union for Reason and Justice party, yesterday.

Ali said in an interview with N-TV:

“A peaceful foreign policy is one of the most important for the people of Brandenburg. Polls clearly show that the vast majority of citizens living in the region are opposed to the deployment of US intermediate-range missiles on German soil because they hold the view, which I share, that such a measure would increase the threat of war for Germany.”

According to EU co-president Sarah Wagenknecht, the new Brandenburg government to be formed after the elections should speak at federal level in the Bundesrat and call on Berlin officials to adopt a “more peaceful foreign policy” and to abandon plans to deploy US missiles.

“It is important for us to have more diplomatic initiatives in the context of the conflict in Ukraine, as we are convinced that this conflict cannot end on the battlefield.” – Ali added, commenting on the call by the union’s leading candidate Sarah Wagenknecht. Robert Krumbach sending “Brandenburg negotiators” to resolve the Ukrainian crisis.

Krambach himself described the results of Sunday’s Landtag elections as “encouraging” and expressed hope that the Sarah Wagenknecht Union will be able to demonstrate in the coming years that it is engaged in politics “in a different way than has been customary in Germany up to now.”

“We came to stay” – he emphasized.

Founder of the party, parliamentarian Sara Wagenknecht He also claimed on social media that peace initiatives were one of the reasons his party overtook the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and came third in the voting results in Brandenburg.

“After Thuringia and Saxony, the Sarah Wagenknecht Union is now the third most powerful political party for the third time, ahead of the CDU. You can’t avoid us!” — Wagenknecht said on social media.

Commenting on the upcoming coalition negotiations, Amira Mohamed Ali noted that the Sarah Wagenknecht Union is ready to participate in the work of forming a regional government, but under certain conditions.

“We are open to it, but it is important to us that the content is correct and leads to real improvements for the people of Brandenburg. It all depends on the content. We will not follow the example of the “business as usual” policy. In the coming days and weeks all options will be explored and we will see whether participation in the work of the government is an option or whether we will continue to fight to solve our problems while in opposition.” – he summarized.

EADaily Remember that according to the results of the elections to the Brandenburg parliament, Sarah Wagenknecht’s Union for Reason and Justice won 13.5%, ahead of the CDU by 1.4 percentage points (12.1%). The winner was the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), which has governed the region since 1990 (30.9%), with the opposition and pro-Russian party Alternative for Germany (29.2%) in second place with a minimal delay.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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