Home Top Stories The municipality of Palencia, Castrejón de la Peña, records an earthquake of...

The municipality of Palencia, Castrejón de la Peña, records an earthquake of magnitude 2.5

The municipality of Palencia, Castrejón de la Peña, records an earthquake of magnitude 2.5

The shock was imperceptible to the population

Earthquake map published by the Ministry of Transport. ABC


Updated at 5:31 p.m.

The National Geographic Institute reported this afternoon that a 2.5 magnitude earthquake occurred this Wednesday with an epicenter near the town of Castrejón de la Peña (Palencia). Concretely, the earthquake took place at 2:02 p.m.

Sources from the Government Sub-delegation in Palencia indicated that the phenomenon was not perceived by the population of neighboring towns, which also include Cervera del Pisuerga or Congosto.

Specifically, the earthquake occurred at a depth of one kilometer, at a latitude of 42.85 degrees north and a longitude of 4.63 degrees west.



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