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HomeTop StoriesGovernment postpones vote on deficit trajectory due to lack of support

Government postpones vote on deficit trajectory due to lack of support

The government has agreed to withdraw from the parliamentary process the budgetary stability objectiveswhich was the preliminary step to the preparation of the budgets for 2025. A decision that will be implemented in the Council of Ministers, after failing to obtain the necessary support for Thursday’s vote to take place.

As LaSexta has learned, the objective of this decision is give more time to negotiate offering a new opportunity for dialogue. The Government wants to exhaust all possibilities to reach an agreement that “would be beneficial” for all the Autonomous Communities and municipalities.

The same sources explain that the Government does not resign itself to the fact that “the irresponsibility of the PP generates serious damage to the Autonomous Communities and municipalities, which they would lose nearly 12 billion in budget margin if a new trajectory is not approved.” And they recall that the Government presented a trajectory approved by the Autonomous Communities to the Fiscal Policy Council, which relaxes the deficit targets of the Autonomous Communities and City Councils in 2025 and 2026. Likewise, they emphasized that this greater margin would be assumed by the Central Administration, which would be the one that would make the greatest effort to reduce the deficit. In other words, the Government’s path offers the Autonomous Communities and municipalities an advantage. a greater spending capacity.

And it is precisely on this basis, that of a greater capacity to spend, that they assure that they will continue the negotiations. Thus, they warn that this decision to withdraw from the procedure is an “exercise of responsibility”, “against those who are driven only by electoral and partisan calculations, even if it means undermining public services for all citizens.” And they declare that “the government is working to improve people’s lives and will seek an agreement that preserves resources for health, education or dependency in all territories.”

Without progress in the negotiations in recent days, the path taken by the Executive to obtain support for Thursday’s vote has become very complicated. This Monday, the secretary general of Junts, Jordi Turullwarned the PSOE that its deputies would vote again against the spending cap in Congress “if the proposal presented is the same” as in July and which the pro-independence party had already opposed then. “Our vote cannot produce surprises. We will not vote to consolidate the ‘coffee for all’, nor to aggravate the budget deficit of Catalonia, nor for an invasion of powers”, he specified.

A few words came a few days later meeting they held in Switzerland with the PSOE’s organizing secretary, Santos Cerdán, which was also attended by the former president of the Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont. A meeting that also ended without any progress.

This is the second time that the Executive has tried to move towards the creation of new general accounts, after in June Junts added its seven deputies to those of the PP to reverse the fiscal path. And once again, the government must retreat in search of a new and better opportunity.




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