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HomeLatest NewsTrick to save up to 40 cents per litre of petrol revealed

Trick to save up to 40 cents per litre of petrol revealed

Saving on fuel costs is now more important than ever, especially as September rolls around and we return to everyday life. There are many who They return to their destination in vehicles and the budget invested in refueling will increase compared to other annual periods.

The fact is that there are always tips and tricks to save on diesel and gasoline. Visiting the cheapest gas stations along the route and joining the loyalty programs of the various oil companies are two examples.

Know the German trick

In order to save as much as possible, German drivers use a few additional tricks with which they can pay up to forty cents less per liter of fuel refueled.

The first thing is not to stop as much as possible at gas stations located on highways and motorways. It German Automobile ClubADAC has analyzed the prices at gas stations based on location and savings capacity, which will reach up to 54 cents in the event of greater exaggeration.

The ADAC itself advises drivers to take a detour to refuel in such cases and assures that it is often worth it. They, from the ADAC point of viewbelieve that such high surcharges cannot be justified.

Another trick that German drivers usually follow to save fuel is to always fill up in the afternoon. ADAC has shown that on average prices will drop by a few cents per liter, compared to what they had in the morning.

The same phenomenon is happening in our countrybut with the particularity that it is better to put the gas on in the early hours of the afternoon, when it is hottest.

Let’s imagine that fuels expand as temperatures rise and the driver will pay the same price for a slightly smaller amount of fuel.

It is best to fill up when it is cooler, at the last or first hour of the day, and always check the prices at the nearest gas stations.

. It is best to fill up when the heat drops, late or early in the day, and always check prices at the nearest gas stations.

Here we go with some tips to save fuel

Fill up with gas

Let’s get started, shall we?

Take advantage of inertia

It is always good to lift off the accelerator and take advantage of the vehicle’s inertia when approaching a roundabout, an intersection or a traffic light. It should be remembered that when you do not press the accelerator there is no consumption, but you should not put the gearbox in neutral, as this would cancel the effect.

Check tire pressure

It may seem unimportant, but low pressure increases gas consumption in the vehicle. All this is due to the fact that with less pressure, the wheels have more surface in contact with the asphalt itself.

Driving at high speed

Another tip that can be said to be foolproof and widely used to save gasoline in the car. This avoids revving the engine and increasing consumption.

Better at constant speed

Consumption increases with changes in speed and rhythm. That’s why it’s good to stay constant with the same accelerator pedal and not press it suddenly to gain speed.

It must be treated very gently and be progressive when accelerating. When there is a slope, you should not accelerate, because the speed lost when flattening or descending again is recovered.

Stop the engine during prolonged stops

One of the reasons for the increase in fuel consumption and particulate emissions is traffic delays. If you are not moving after stopping for a few minutes, it is best to turn off the engine.

Good maintenance

You should always try to ensure good maintenance. Here, good quality oil and filters in optimal condition can save a few liters of fuel.

The same thing happens with breakdowns. When the car has them, you should not delay it for too long. You should go to the workshop and fix it as soon as possible, this way you will avoid paying more.

The air conditioning recirculation button

This button on vehicle air conditioners will save you up to thirty percent on fuel when used correctly.

It is more efficient in summer or hot climates, as the time needed to cool the passenger compartment is reduced, which will reduce fuel consumption resulting from the effort the engine has to make to keep the air conditioning compressor activated.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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