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Secrets of the expansion of the Mongol Empire

The Mongol Empire (1206–1368), founded by Genghis Khan, was the second largest in history and the largest to consist of continuous territories. Having united the nomadic troops of the Asian steppe, The Mongol Empire covered a vast territory.from the Korean Peninsula to the Danube, through such important regions as Iran, Russia, Eastern Europe, China and many other places.

The Beginnings of Genghis Khan’s Mongol Empire

The nomadic Mongolian tribes of the Asian steppe were shepherds who lived in temporary fields and looked after sheep, goats, horses… Due to their hard daily work, The Mongols were very skilled and were trained from childhood in horse riding and archery. These qualities led them to become great warriors, able to endure long and exhausting campaigns.

Before becoming The first Mongol leader, Genghis Khan, worked tirelessly to become a capable commander and establish alliances with other tribes. or clans. To achieve this, he allied himself with Toghril, chief of the Kerait tribe, and undertook several military campaigns that led him to defeat tribes such as the Tartars, Kereites, Naimans and Merkites.

Around the year 1206, All the tribal leaders agreed to officially name Genghis Khan as the Great Khan or “universal emperor” of the Mongols.

Expansion into northern China and Persia

The Mongol army consisted of the kesikten, a group of 10,000 men who, in addition to forming the imperial guard, held administrative positions. It expanded with the conquest of new territories and new soldiers from the tribes. One of the great advantages of the army was the large quantity of spare parts it had, because this allowed it to travel long distances at high speed.

The first objective of Genghis Khan’s Mongol army was northern China.which they managed to conquer through terrorist tactics carried out in captured cities. After obtaining a good booty, they headed south towards northwest Asia, conquering the Tangut state of Xi Xia and East Asia.. Another target of the Mongol ruler was the Chinese Song dynasty, which, although rich and powerful, was completely defeated.

In 1218, Genghis and part of his army attacked and devastated the Chorasmian Persian Empire. and in 1219 they relentlessly pursued the difficult Kitano tribe that had fled to northern Korea. In 1221 the Mongols attacked northern Afghanistan and a year later they defeated the Russian army and were defeated.

Although Genghis Khan died on August 19, 1227, His successors ensured that the expansion of the then-feared Mongol Empire was continued.

The Great Khan Ogodei and his attack on Europe

Ogodei, one of Genghis Khan’s four sons, became the Great Khan, but the vast empire would be divided from 1260 into four khanates, each of them ruled by a brother. Ogodei Khan established a modern tax system and appointed members of the Imperial Guard and ministers as regional governors.

It also provided protection to wells along trade routes and to sellers of goods.

Regarding the conquest of new territories, Ogodei and the talented general Subotai led a military campaign against the Jin state between 1230 and 1233. During these years they also attacked Korea, and from 1235 they campaigned across Central Asia, defeating and conquering Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. They then led successful campaigns in several Central European countries, including Bulgaria, Russia, Poland, and Hungary.

Ogodei’s death in 1241 interrupted the campaigns in Europe. and it was only under the reign of Kublai Khan, grandson of Genghis, that the expansion of the Empire would continue.

Innovative military tactics

The Mongol cavalry was exceptionally skilled and mobile.. Mongol warriors were adept at using the bow on horseback, which allowed them to execute quick and precise attacks. In addition, they implemented tactics such as the feint retreat, which disoriented enemies and allowed them to launch surprise attacks. The ability to adapt to different types of combat and environments. Kublai Khan attacks China and Japan

Kublai Khan ruled from 1260 to 1294, during which time he devoted himself to attacking the Chinese Song Dynasty. City after city was defeated over the next 11 years, gaining a major step for his empire: the conquest of the powerful Chinese state.

In 1271, The great Khan Kublai proclaimed himself emperor of China and founded the new Yuan dynasty. Kublai divided the great Chinese state into 12 provinces and was an excellent ruler, promoting trade, paper money and improving the road system.

The following attacks by the Mongol army were carried out in Japan, Vietnam and Burma, but without much success. It is from this date that the great Mongol empire will experience its decline.

Recommended Readings

The Mongol Empire and Genghis Khan

Mongol Rule and Fiefdoms


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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