Tuesday, September 24, 2024 - 10:47 pm
HomeLatest NewsIt's perfect for working remotely

It’s perfect for working remotely

Poor working conditions in Spain mean that Many are considering moving to other countries in Europe. The first countries that come to mind are Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands, etc. However, the most digitalized state that offers the most opportunities is none of them.

About 30 years ago it was still part of the communist orbit, but Estonia has experienced a real revolution in recent decadesIts government offers all kinds of facilities to people who want to work there in digital jobs, taxes are much lower and housing is more affordable than in Spain.

Despite the difficulty of the language and the distance, Estonia has become one of the favorite destinations for the Spanish. Especially for digital nomads and young people.

Europe’s most digital country is perfect for settling down

Estonia is the ideal blend of modernity and traditionTheir streets and customs are still familiar, but the need to move forward and catch up with the rest of the countries of the European Union has made them experience a true technological revolution.

Estonia offers similar or slightly higher salaries than Spain, but with one key difference: the cost of living is much lowerFor example, housing is 63% cheaper than in our country.

In addition, Estonians have one of the most stable economies on the continent and have prepared their entire industry for the new times. If you work in technology sectors or can work remotely, this is the perfect place for you..

For example, the Spanish can move freely thanks to European treaties. But also, The Estonian government is granting visas to all people who want to work remotely from thereIn exchange, they will have to charge only other countries.

In this way, they manage to stimulate the economy and, in exchange, they can offer much lower taxes than states like ours. It is a paradise for the self-employed.

Why does everyone want to work in Estonia?

Estonia is not considered a tax haven, but it has a much more transparent tax collection system than Spain.

For example, offers 0% tax on reinvested profitshas numerous agreements to avoid double taxation with other countries, and companies and self-employed workers pay less tax than in other European Union states.

They have especially managed to attract many digital nomads thanks to their E-ResidenceThat is, they give the possibility to create a company there and pay much less taxes, regardless of your place of residence.

In addition, Estonia has also managed to stand out for other reasons beyond the tax system and the cost of living. According to the World Health Organization, these are: second country with the best air quality in the worldsurpassed only by Finland.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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