Tuesday, September 24, 2024 - 10:07 pm
HomeTop Storiesmore than 10,000 euros difference between the first and the last

more than 10,000 euros difference between the first and the last

This Monday, the National Institute of Statistics (INE) has published the final data of the Wage Structure Survey (EES) for the year 2022, a data series whose aim is to study the distribution of wages according to variables such as gender, profession, branch of activity, age or size of the company.

The two main data revealed by the survey are: the average salarylocated in 26,948.87 eurosAnd the most common salarytwelve thousand euros below (14,586.44 euros). However, the survey allows the data to be analyzed in a more detailed manner, for example according to territory.

Differences by territory

According to data collected by the INE, the highest salaries in 2022 corresponded to the Basque Country (32,313.73 euros per worker), Community of Madrid (31,230.73) and the Foral Community of Navarre (29,189.52).

On the contrary, Extremadura (21,922.73 euros), the Canary Islands (23,096.92) and Castile-La Mancha (23,751.71) had the lowest average salaries.

Thus, between the average salary in the Basque Country and that of Extremadura, there is a difference of more than ten thousand euros (10,391 euros) in favor of the northerners.

Compared to previous years, the Balearic Islands, Asturias and Madrid presented the highest wage increases. Castilla-La Mancha, Catalonia and Murcia, on the other hand, the lowest.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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