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HomeBreaking NewsWhy did the Tatar village of Goranboy run out of water? -...

Why did the Tatar village of Goranboy run out of water? – OFFICIAL RELEASE

There is a water problem in Tatarli village in Goranboy district. The villagers are particularly suffering from the lack of water for irrigation.

A group of villagers appealed to with this complaint. According to the village residents, irrigation water in the village has been cut off and agricultural fields have dried up due to thirst. The reason for this is the arbitrariness of the Goranboy Irrigation Systems Department.

Residents repeatedly said the same problem had arisen:

“The trees in our orchards, 14 to 15 hectares each, are dying of thirst. There is no artesian well. The chief executive has been making promises for years, but the problem is still not solved. And Goranboy’s Irrigation Systems Department does whatever it wants. As soon as we complain, they release the water. When we remain silent, there is still no water.”

In this regard, the Goranboy Irrigation Systems Department said that 12 subartesian wells were built in that village:

“The village of Tatarli has a total of 620 hectares of cultivated land and is supplied by 12 subartesian wells. A tributary flows out of the village from the Karachay River, which meets the village’s water needs. In previous years, there was a drought due to the lack of water in Karachay due to lack of rainfall. But this year there was no such problem.”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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