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The Plenary of the Constitutional Court approves the abstention of the former socialist minister Juan Carlos Campo in the debate on the amnesty law

The plenary session of the Constitutional Court approved this Tuesday the Abstention of the magistrate and former Minister of Justice Juan Carlos Campo in all the appeals of unconstitutionality against the amnesty law presented by the Popular Party (PP) and the Autonomous Communities. In the same way, the abstention of the socialist in the questions of unconstitutionality coming from the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia is also approved.

Former Minister of Justice and Constitutional Court magistrate Juan Carlos Campo communicated his proposal to abstain in the debate due to his work in the government of Pedro Sánchez. Period in which he excluded – especially in 2021 – the possibility of amnesty for those found guilty of the “trial”.

In fact, the year he held the Justice portfolio, he assured Al Rojo Vivo that the government I would not approve of an amnesty.and that meant going outside the legal and constitutional framework. Finally, the rule came when Félix Bolaños was already at the head of the ministry.

This decision comes at the request of the Popular Party (PP), which, however, also demanded that the president of the Tribunal of Guarantees withdraw from the debate. Candido Count Pumpidoas well as the judge Laura Diez. And Diez was also a senior official in Sánchez’s executive.

Campo’s abstention is met with the refusal to abstain by the conservative magistrate, José María Macías, who decided not to leaveat least voluntarily, deliberations on amnesty which They started this TuesdayHe does so despite having been proposed by the PP and having publicly expressed his rejection of the amnesty on several occasions.




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