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Pashinyan’s UN speech called a ‘sectarian sermon’ – EADaily – Armenia. Armenian news. Armenia news. Pashinyan news. Nikol Pashinyan news. Armenia latest news today.

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s speech in New York resembled “a sermon by the leader of a sectarian movement, rather than a statement by a statesman,” said Armenian diplomat, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Dzyunik Aghajanyan on the “Oragir” program.

“The performance itself was pathetic and devoid of substance. The UN Future Summit was organized to discuss threats, including security threats. However, unfortunately, the speech of the leader of our state resembled more a sermon by the leader of a sectarian movement than a statesman interested in solving the problems of his state and promoting those interests in the international arena.” – he said, VERELQ reports.

According to their assessments, Pashinyan’s speech was quite consistent with his “ostrich policy” and de facto called for “saying that everything will be fine and trying to believe it.”

Of course, Agadzhanyan continued, such speeches have no impact on the international arena. From this platform, each country presented its own problems and position, which is considered as the starting point for foreign policy in the coming year. From this point of view, it is also pointless to discuss the content of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s speech.

“It seemed like a hastily prepared speech, the purpose of which was to justify the very fact of his appearance in New York. But this was obviously not the reason (nor was his participation in the Future Summit),” – said Agadzhanian.

According to his estimates, the real reason was the intention to meet the Azerbaijani president on the American platform. Ilham AliyevAgadzhanyan, who, taking advantage of the recent elections in Azerbaijan, did not come to New York. Now, he believes, the Americans are trying to ensure some progress at least on the Armenian-Turkish track. However, Agadzhanyan is not sure that this initiative will be justified. In addition, the Americans are trying to compensate for Aliyev’s absence at the summit by organizing a meeting between Mirzoyan and Bayramov, but this meeting will not be successful either.

“It is necessary to take into account one very important factor: in the context of a decrease in the geopolitical weight and influence of the West, Turkey and Azerbaijan will not take risks in the name of fulfilling the obligations they assumed before Artsakh (Karabakh – Ed.) and for which the West turned a blind eye to Aliyev’s ethnic cleansing and war crimes,” He added that “now Turkey and Azerbaijan, based on the uncertainty of the outcome, are trying to avoid fulfilling these obligations.”

It should be noted that the main thesis of yesterday’s speech by Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in New York was the assertion that “there is a future”, which was the basis of the electoral program of his party “Civic Step” in the last parliamentary elections. Armenian experts, not without reason, claim that Pashinyan’s party did not fulfill its main promises to voters. And therefore, Armenia may have a future, but, led by Pashinyan, it is extremely vague and alarming.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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