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HomeBreaking NewsConcepción Cascajosa postpones the vote on her continuity as president of RTVE

Concepción Cascajosa postpones the vote on her continuity as president of RTVE

Board of Directors of a heart attack that was experienced andn Spanish Radio Television (RTVE). Meeting in an extraordinary capacity this Tuesday, the continuity (or not) of Cascajosa Design as interim president.

A vote that was postponed by the president herself, as confirmed by EL ESPAÑOL-Invertia by “regulatory issues“Apparently, and as this media learned, the advisers linked to the Popular Party had the necessary support to dismiss Cascajosa and impose a rotating presidency every six months.

In other words, with Jenaro Castro, Carmen Sastre and Consuelo AparicioThey also agreed Jose Manuel Martin Medem -who represents Sumar- and the former president Elena Sanchez who had delegated his vote to Medem.

When voting, Ramon Colom – also proposed by the PSOE – requested that the vote be secret, in accordance with the board’s regulations. Apparently, article 14.7 which says that when the votes concern a director present, the votes should not be made by show of hands.

Considering this request and given that Elena Sanchez was not present to vote by secret ballot, Concepción Cascajosa chose to suspend and postpone the board meeting to a new date.

It should be remembered that in theory Cascajosa’s mandate expires on September 27. That is to say, six months after his appointment as president. The RTVE board of directors therefore has three days left to make a decision on his continuation.

A council in which the deliberations were very long and where the tone was “hard” in many interventions against Concepción Cascajosa.




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