Between 2,500 and 3,000 peopleaccording to calculations made by the Local Police, participated this Sunday in Cordoba in the March against the gender-based violence on the occasion of 25-N. The Platform against violence against women once again called on citizens to protest against this scourge and to “continue to fight for equality and freedom, until no woman is oppressed”.
According to the manifest of the Platform, this group affirmed that “do not deny resources to female victims of gender violence for not having filed a complaint and that budgets be increased to provide more resources” to the fight against attacks against women.
During the tour, which passed through Paseo de la Victoria, Ronda de los Tejares, Cruz Conde Street, Plaza de Las Tendanillas, Claudio Marcelo and ended at Capitulares; Participants joined the Platform’s request to “create specialized centers for female victims of this violence which have other additional problems.
Information centers for women
So, they demanded “more training of state security forces and bodiesin particular to the Civil Guard and the National Police, so that they know the protocol to follow. In addition, they requested that “minors be protected, who are sexually educated through the violence they see in pornography” and also “housing for female victims who have nowhere to go or get shelter.” help with basic supplies.
In this sense, they underlined “the importance of Information centers for women rely on all resources and that education stops being kidnapped in terms of equality” and they recalled all the victims of gender violence. They also focused on “the possibility for migrant women to access the health system , social, psychological or legal before filing a complaint, because they are absolutely not protected.