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PSOE stronghold in Aragon ready to stand up to Sánchez in Seville with funding for Catalonia

The provincial secretary of the PSOE in Zaragoza, Juan Antonio Sanchez Querohas presented his candidacy to head the provincial delegation to the 41st Federal Congress. He will not be the only one. Professor Maria Paz Jimenez He will also present his own to lead the provincial candidacy that will attend the federal congress that the PSOE will hold at the end of November in Seville, where only Pedro Sánchez has presented himself as a candidate.

Although in Aragon there is no doubt that at this moment Sánchez Quero is the PSOE stronghold in Aragonknowing that he was the only one of the socialists who managed to maintain the assault of the previous municipal and regional elections, where they lost the power of the Government of Aragon, the Provincial Council of Huesca and many town halls.

The PSOE of Zaragoza and the Congress

This Tuesday, at the PSOE headquarters in Aragon, Sánchez Quero, accompanied by a multitude of faithful from the province, such as Lola Ranera, Dario Villagrasa, Eva Cerdan, Javier Sada Beltran; and signed by the Vice-President of the Provincial Council of Zaragoza and Mayor of Ejea de los Caballeros, Therese Ladreroand the councilor of the City Hall of Zaragoza, Horacio Royopresented his pre-candidacy to lead the PSOE delegation from Zaragoza to the Congress.

The socialist from Zaragoza made it clear that the next Federal Congress would serve to discuss the party model and why Spain will be played out in the coming years, when “rights and freedoms” will be defended. In this sense, Sánchez Quero has once again clearly expressed his position regarding single regional financing.

Sanchez Quero: No to amnesty

The candidate expressed that he was against the “sedition“, THE “amnesty“, and therefore, of the pact between ERC and PSOE in Catalonia to obtain the investiture of Salvador Illa, in exchange for a single financing, agreed outside the general regime. In this regard, he recalled that, in the Provincial Council of Zaragoza that he presides, his party had presented a movement which manifested itself by rejecting this autonomous model, explaining in detail the requirements that the next reform of regional financing should meet in order for it to be fair.

It must also be said that this motion was the only one voted in all of Aragon, having been the first presented by all the town halls and institutions in July. The motion managed to unite votes from all partiesboth from Chunta’s PSOE and from the PP, with the abstention of Vox, to defend a “fair financing model for the autonomous communities, provinces and municipalities.”

In this, they voted in favour of discussing the “new common regime system” within the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council“in which the needs and positions of all the administrations concerned are taken into account”.

On the other hand, Sánchez Quero preferred not to reveal whether he would run as candidate for the head of the PSOE of Aragonin which this pre-candidacy to head the Seville delegation could be interpreted as a preliminary step to the next challenge that the party will face next year in Aragon, with the replacement of Javier Lambán on the horizon. “Any member will be able to present themselves when they are called in March,” he noted, “my greatest respect to Javier Lambán.”

A lambanista and a sanchista

The two pre-candidates presented to lead the federal delegation to Congress respond to two clearly differentiated tendencies. If Sánchez Quero is willing to stand up to Sánchez on the issue of financing, everything suggests that María Paz Jiménez will be aligned with Sánchez. In such a way that both candidates must obtain at least one 12% of the votes of activists and affiliates direct before October 9, i.e. 518 amendments.

In an opinion column recently published in the Aragon’s Journaltitled Reasons to stop supporting my party, the PSOE, clearly stated that amnesty It was a measure consulted on “all the militants” by “the leader” Pedro Sánchez “before starting the coalition government with its pacts and that in this consultation the issue of amnesty had already been raised”. “The proposal received broad support in Aragon”, he concluded.

Teruel, against singular financing

In addition, this Tuesday also the general secretary of the PSOE in Teruel, Mayte Perezpresented his pre-candidacy to head the provincial delegation. Pérez also clearly expressed his rejection of the Catalan quota and his willingness to reach an agreement with the PP and the rest of the parties, to form a common front in Aragon in the face of singular financing.

Bullfighting and the PSOE

On the other hand, although it is apparently a minor matter, the president of the Provincial Council of Zaragoza has clearly expressed the defense of bullfighting on the part of his institution, owner of the Misericordia bullring, in the face of the controversy raised by Moncloa, for him boycott of the national holiday.

In this regard, when asked if he would defend bullfighting in Congress as a popular cultural expression, Sánchez Quero said that “in no forum, nor in any institution, nor within the PSOE, is anyone against bulls.”We defend bullfighting“The popular festivals in our villages,” he stressed, considering the recently published bullfighting magazine as an unequivocal example of the commitment to the festival. “It is Sumar’s party that governs in coalition,” he concluded, which has carried out this policy.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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