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HomeLatest NewsMadrid City Council Plenary Session Recognizes Edmundo González as President of Venezuela

Madrid City Council Plenary Session Recognizes Edmundo González as President of Venezuela

In Cibeles, we are not only talking about municipal management. At the initiative of Vox and with the votes in favor of the PP and the rejection of the PSOE and Más Madrid, the plenary session of the Madrid City Council approved this Tuesday an initiative that urged the government of the nation to recognize Edmundo González Urrutia as the legitimate president of Venezuela. The municipal chamber thus joins the support that the Congress, the Senate and the European Parliament have already given to the opponent.

Javier Ortega Smith, who presented the initiative, began his presentation by greeting the representatives of the Venezuelan exile associations who attended yesterday’s plenary session and highlighted the “important historical, cultural, social and economic ties” that unite Spain and Venezuela, a country that is suffering from a “food and medical crisis.” In addition to requesting the recognition of González Urrutia as president-elect and demanding “the immediate cessation of human rights violations“, demanded that “the actions and demonstrations of Zapatero and Monedero” also be condemned.

The PP also wanted to highlight the role of María Corina Machado “as leader of the democratic forces of Venezuela”, but not before showing its “concern” at how “the left gets agitated when it talks about freedom”, said PP advisor Yolanda Estrada, who compared the president of the government Pedro Sánchez to Maduro: “Both lost the elections in their countries, Venezuela and Spain, with a nuance: Nicolás Maduro intends to occupy the government of Venezuela with K and Pedro Sánchez the legitimate president because he made immoral pacts with criminals to stay in power. This is not his only criticism of the national executive: “Sanchism and the left are very brave in condemning some dictators, but what cowardice with the living”.

“Hypocrisy and demagogy”

For his part, PSOE councilor Enrique Rico defended his group’s commitment to democracy in Venezuela, but showed his “categorical rejection of the regrettable use of the extreme right and the PP of the pain of the Venezuelan people”, thus justifying his rejection of the proposal. He also displayed his “categorical rejection of hypocrisy and demagogy” and welcomed the “125,000 requests for political asylum” resolved by the national executive.

From More Madrid, councilor Cuca Sánchez insisted that her party will not recognize the result proclaimed by Maduro until the results are presented.complete and verifiable”“We defend the sensible dialogue of intermediation,” he added to justify his rejection of this initiative. “Faced with this, let us do what Madrid knows how to do, let us show empathy and solidarity with the Venezuelan people, let us open our city to welcome and support the mediation processes that bring peace and human rights so that Venezuelans can live in peace.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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