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Antoine Armand cut by Michel Barnier, after being criticized by Marine Le Pen

After what appears to be a reshuffle by Matignon, the new Minister of the Economy, Antoine Armand, will finally receive “all political forces represented in Parliament” The clarification comes after criticism from the leader of the National Rally (RN), Marine Le Pen, who considered herself ostracised by Armand, in defiance of the commitments made by the head of government.

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Asked this morning on France Inter about his desire to work with all other political groups, Antoine Armand said he was open to collaborating with all parties. “as long as they are in the republican arc”to which, according to him, the RN does not belong.

The head of the far-right party’s deputies then raised her voice and urged Prime Minister Michel Barnier to ” philosophy “ that expressed “It is shared by all the ministers”.

“Warlike declarations”

“When I hear Mr. Armand this morning explain that his door will always be closed to RN MPs as long as only the budget comes through, I think that the Prime Minister should go and explain to all his ministers what the philosophy of his government is, because it seems that some have not yet fully understood it.”judged Marine Le Pen.

“In line with the political direction set by the Prime Minister and as stated in his speech upon taking office, Antoine Armand (…) He will welcome all political forces represented in Parliament.”The Ministry of Economy finally stated the press release issued at noon.

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For his part, the head of the deputies of the Union of Rights for the Republic, Eric Ciotti, an ally of the RN, had criticized “warlike declarations” from Mr. Armand, demanding Michel Barnier “who publicly repudiates Mr. Armand”.

In the afternoon, the Prime Minister’s entourage confirmed to Agence France-Presse (AFP) that Michel Barnier had called his minister “to remind you of the rules” on relations between the executive and all political parties represented in Parliament.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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