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“Discrimination against women is a real problem”

More than 150 Basque musicians have come together to denounce the statements made by the singer of Gatibu, Alex Sardui, in an interview published on September 20 in this newspaper, in which he states that “there has been no discrimination in the musical union.” In a writing, the artists, among whom are well-known names such as Izaro Andres, Olatz Salvador, Aiora Renteria or Inés Osinaga, criticize that “there is no one more blind than the one who does not want to see.”

“We have been fed up with these kinds of situations for a long time. To say that there has been no discrimination in the music world is very serious, because in addition to leaving aside the reality of many women, it minimizes the obstacles we have to face. The data refute this and clearly show that discrimination is a real problem,” they say in a statement.

Initially, the Instagram account of the group Gatibu published a story in which it accused of “manipulation” and criticized the “use” of the interview for these remarks on the equality of women and men. Sardui was cross-examined, which gave him the opportunity to clarify, but he reiterated his opinion. His words affirming that in the world of music there is no discrimination against women did not make the front page of the newspaper, which significantly said “no one censors me”, but they were contained in the interview. Gatibu’s accusatory statement against was removed a few hours later.

Alex Sardui, for his part, finally responded to the criticism with a brief message, again via Gatibu’s Instagram account. He alluded to the fact that he had made some “meager” statements that “were inappropriate.” “I don’t think like that. “I apologize,” he added. He emphasized that he “has been defending women for 25 years” and that “this doesn’t fit into my logic.” “Sorry. You’re right, okay?” “I’m sorry,” he gave up. The singer said nothing about the accusations made against this media in general and against the journalist who authored the interview in particular.

Here is the translation of the interview that sparked outrage among Basque singers and artists:

How do you see the current musical panorama in Basque?

Very spacious. There are many trends and styles and the empowerment of women has allowed us to climb two levels in one go in the musical panorama of Basque music. Now we have women and men singing in Basque with different musical styles and there is a lot of choice, it is incredible.

Would you have liked the music scene to include more Basque women at the beginning?

Yes, the panorama has changed a lot. At that time, Inés was [Osinaga]Zuriñe [Hidalgo]Ayora [Renteria]There were four or five. Now there are many more. They did it well and broke the stage fright or the demands that existed in our generation. There is no more shame and their music is considered art. We have gained a lot from it.

Perhaps the fact that society is more aware of gender-based violence and discrimination against women, also in the musical world, has helped. It may have opened doors and encouraged many to dare to go on stage.

Maybe, but fortunately it hasn’t existed in the music industry or I haven’t seen it. It’s true that there aren’t many women working, but there has never been any discrimination.

No? You don’t think so?

Not in music. In the bands, among the workers or technicians, there has never been discrimination between men and women. It is a union that does not have that. Today, there are more women and they are the main figures.

I guess you haven’t seen it, but there are always specific moments when women are discriminated against, both in music and in other professions, because it is society itself that discriminates.

Well, I haven’t seen it. In this world, fortunately, people who enter can be good or bad and what matters is that they are good and that’s it.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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