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HomeLatest NewsAndalusia to protect by law the quasi-free university studies for successful students

Andalusia to protect by law the quasi-free university studies for successful students

University students will be entitled to reduced tuition fees, guaranteed by law. This is one of the main novelties that will be collected the preliminary draft of the future Law of Universities of Andalusia (LUPA). This Tuesday, the Government Council began its work that will culminate in the approval of the legal text in this legislature, which will end in 2026.

Since 2017, The Junta de Andalucía applies discounts of up to 99% on the cost of the university degree to students on its ten public campuses. Currently, each student pays for the first course, unless they have a scholarship, and the rest can be almost free if they pass all the subjects. This measure applies to both degrees and masters, and each course has been renewed and expanded. For the third, fourth and successive registrations, the general bonus drops to 5%..

Once the standard is approved, this right will have legal status “for the first time” and will not depend on the will of the government in place, he stressed. Jose Carlos Gomez VillamandosUniversity, Research and Innovation advisor. This will enable equal opportunities in access to university education.

This is the biggest regulatory reform of the university system in the last 30 years.“, stressed the University Advisor this Tuesday during the press conference following the Government Council during which he outlined the changes that the future law will introduce.

3% of income for scholarships in private universities

The new law will also require private universities to award a 3% of your annual income for scholarships and aid under study and that 5% of their budget is used to finance their own research projects. In addition, new conditions are established to open a private academic institution in Andalusia, including that the promoters and managers of the initiatives have “proven” experience in the public higher education service.

According to the future law, in order to promote the international projection of universities, all students will have to have a B2 certificate in a foreign language in order to be able to obtain an official university degree and it will also be mandatory for access to teaching staff to the categories of assistant doctors and contract doctors. This condition will be required from October 2029. Currently, a B1 is required. The idea is to “promote the level of languages,” Villamandos explained. He adds that “no one stops getting their degree” to prove their language level.

After approval by the Board of Directors, the University Department will submit the legal text for public information and request the mandatory reports from the Council’s Legal Office.the Andalusian Council of Universities or the Consultative Council for its approval in the form of a draft law and its subsequent transfer to the Andalusian Parliament, where it will be debated for approval. Once approved, the standard will replace the current regulation that dates back to 2013, has been in agreement with the rectors, the educational community and economic and social agents.

More requirements for creating private universities

The standard strengthens the requirements for the creation, development and operation of private universities. The state standard does not specify the criteria for its recognition, the university advisor emphasizes.

“Given that we have more than 15,000 students outside the Andalusian university system, “We have to bet on a superior and high-quality ecosystem,” justified Villamandos. The neighboring region of Murcia is where most Andalusian students study at university. To increase control, the criteria have been “clarified” and double reporting to the University Quality Agencyhe said. In turn, a body of officials will be set up to inspect university activity.

The standard, as the advisor explains, seeks “encourage talent retention and ensure stability of academic careers” professors. With this objective, the preliminary draft allows teaching and research staff to collaborate with other agents of the knowledge system such as, for example, technology parks. Likewise, the future standard promotes the figures of the assistant physician, which was not initially provided for by the Organic Law of the University System (LOSU), and that of the assistant physician linked to the health system.

No limitation on class hours for associate teachers

The goal is to ensure a quality generational change that strengthens the university system. Currently, the average age to reach Teachers’ employment stability is between 45 and 50 years old. Before the last financial crisis, this process took place about 35 years ago. “We want to return to that situation to have a generational change of quality and not mass,” the university advisor detailed.

On the other hand, the project corrects some criteria established in the LOSU, thus strengthening its autonomous powers. Thus, Andalusia eliminates the limitation imposed which prevented associate teachers from teaching more than 120 hours per course. There are universities that “have not been able to integrate” these teachers “into postdoctoral programs of excellence because of this regulation of the Ministry of Universities.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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