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Ultra Le Senne faces new complaint and new crime for smashing portrait of woman shot by Franco

The president of the Balearic Parliament, Gabriel Le Senne (Vox), faces another complaint and a new crime for having broken, in the middle of the debate on the repeal of the law on the democratic memory of the Balearic Islands, the portrait of the republican Aurora Picornell and those known as “Rojas del Molinar”, shot by the Francoists on the Night of the Kings in 1937. These are facts for which the ultra deputy, whose dismissal was saved by the PP during an extraordinary plenary session held at the beginning of September, is summoned to testify as part of the investigation next Friday, for an alleged hate crime, before the Court of Instruction number 1 of Palma.

In addition to the complaints filed by Memòria de Mallorca, Picornell’s relatives and the PCE, there are now those filed by the Communist Party of the Spanish People (PCPE), which adds another illegal act to Le Senne’s behavior, that of obstructing the exercise of civil rights, stating that the far-right politician “has not only shown his hatred towards such courageous women and, therefore, against the ideology they represent”, but has also “prevented the civic exercise of the deputies who were carrying historical photographs”. political and, in his conscience, has criminally restricted the fundamental exercise of political activity.

Specifically, the PCPE, led by Julio Díaz and represented in this procedure by lawyer Pablo Alonso de Caso, recalls that during the debate on the abolition of democratic rules, held on June 18, socialist deputies Mercedes Garrido and Pilar Costa They came with a photograph attached to their computer of Aurora Picornell and Antònia and Maria Pascual, “women of recognized prestige in the political struggle of communist and feminist ideology, who were victims of reprisals and repression by Franco.”

At one point in the debate, details the complaint to which had access, El Senne ordered the parliamentarians to “make the photographs they exhibited disappear” and, “since the policies were rejected – because they had no legal basis.” -, El Senne, with a violent and aggressive attitude, tore down the photograph and, without breaking with his dictatorial attitude, expelled from the chamber the deputies who refused to remove the photographs of the historical politicians.

In his 80-page complaint, the leader of the PCPE states that the Regulations of the Balearic Chamber, approved in the plenary session of this institution on March 19, 2019, “do not state the prohibition for deputies to carry photographs of a political nature adapted to their computers, as is the case with the rest of the regulations of the rest of the Spanish State. That is why, he emphasizes, “many politicians, attached to the different regional and state representative chambers, occasionally wear t-shirts, placards, flags, etc. to defend their political ideology.”

The complaint also refers to the numerous – and controversial – messages and hoaxes posted by Le Senne on social networks, revealed in recent months by And the Vox parliamentarian, a lawyer by profession, is characterized by his controversial positions on climate change, racism and gender violence, in addition to praising the Argentine president, the extreme right Javier Milei, on his Telegram channel; counterfeits COVID conspiracists; warnings about alleged threats of state control; and climate crisis denial messages.

The PCPE also echoes the news published by this media concerning the event that Le Senne publicly sponsored last January to present the book. Against soft totalitarianism. Woke Cancel, radical feminism, trans imposition, climate hysteria, political correctness…by Francisco José Contreras, a former Vox deputy in Congress known for justifying the execution by the Franco regime of the artist and activist Salvador Puig Antich, one of the last to be executed by garrote during the dictatorship, or for praising the “audacity” of General Queipo de Llano, responsible for the assassination of more than 45,000 people in Seville during the fascist uprising of 1936.

On September 3, the PP abstained from voting in favor of the dismissal of Le Senne, pushed by the opposition groups (PSIB-PSOE, Més for Mallorca, Més for Menorca and Podemos). With this, the conservatives, who last year elevated the ultra leader to the presidency of Parliament in exchange for the possibility for the popular to govern the Balearic Islands alone – of course, with the external support of Vox -, have facilitated his continuity in power.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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