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HomeLatest NewsAdministrative authorization in Viridi to build a photovoltaic plant between Toledo and...

Administrative authorization in Viridi to build a photovoltaic plant between Toledo and Argés

The renewable energy company Viridi has obtained the administrative construction permit for the photovoltaic solar plant “La Campiña”, located between Toledo and Argés. With a power of 214.08 MW, it will produce renewable energy for supply more than 120,000 homes and will save more than 123 million tonnes of CO2 emissions.

The planned installation will use 396,478 bifacial solar modules, in addition to integrating 669 inverters and 45 transformer stations. Its evacuation infrastructure crosses the municipalities of Toledo, Argés, Cobisa, Burguillos de Toledo, Nambroca, Mocejón, Villaseca de la Sagra, Cobeja, Villaluenga de la Sagra, Yuncler, Yuncos and Cedillo del Condado (Toledo).

The authorization was granted after a process of dialogue and coordination between all the local and regional administrations concerned, the town halls and, in particular, with the environmental associations of the area, and after obtaining the authorization favorable resolution of environmental impact. During this administrative process, the project was adjusted and perfected to ensure its full compatibility with the preservation of natural resources, always prioritizing the well-being of the local population and the protection of the flora and fauna of the region. To this end, it was planned to bury the evacuation lines as much as possible.

The installation of this photovoltaic plant will contribute, throughout the approximately 35 years of the project, to the soil regeneration and cleaning of existing waste caused by the use of fertilizers and plant protection products. These wastes can cause adverse effects, such as the contamination of underground aquifers or the degradation of soil structure, problems that will be mitigated with the implementation of the plant.

The project aims to ensure that the jobs created by the factory remain in the municipality through the dissemination of the local government employment opportunitiesthus encouraging work in the cities of the region and seeking a balance between environmental, social and economic aspects. In addition, this project also represents a revitalization of the area, helping to avoid the distress to which many rural environments are subjected due to increasing depopulation and lack of opportunities.

About Viridi

Viridi RE Group promotes renewable energy plants worldwide. The Viridi team has over 18 years of experience in the sector, having successfully handled, built and operated solar projects in several countries in Europe and Latin America with a total power of over 600 MWp. In Spain, it promotes solar projects that reach a power close to 2,500 MWp and globally, the project portfolio reaches 9,000 MWp. In 2020, Viridi started its business unit to promote Green Hydrogen projects; 4 projects are currently underway in Spain. In addition, Viridi RE GmbH is a founding member of the H2Global Foundation.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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