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“Don’t blame others for what you didn’t do”

The president of the Junta de Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernandez Manuecodefended in the regional plenary session this Tuesday the position of the Popular Party against the Concordia Law, arguing that it is an initiative of Vox and that they were the ones who left the regulations to be approved when leaving the regional executive. “Do not blame others for what you left pending in the government of Castilla y León. Be brave, dare, put the interests of the people before those of your party,” responded the regional leader to questions from Vox spokesman Juan García-Gallardo.

During his speech, Mañueco joked about the “strange bedfellows” who is involved in politics and once again criticized the agreement between the PSOE and Vox at the Table of Cortés on Thursday to include the consideration of the Concord bill in this week’s plenary session. “The most surprising thing is that it seems to please both of them,” he said, predicting that they will also agree when voting against the 2025 budgets.

Similarly, the head of the popular In Castilla y León, the spokesperson for Vox was accused of lack of independence in the autonomous community after the leadership of the party led by Santiago Abascal ordered the rupture of the government coalition with the PP in the region and insinuated that the 2025 budgets would not be approved “You can repeat here all the arguments he wants. because we all know that he comes here to say what he is told, because it is his bosses in Madrid who have already said that the budgets will not be approved. The other day, a person from Barcelona came to tell us that nothing was going to be agreed. Well, we already know very well that he has no initiative,” said Mañueco.

Regarding the 2025 budgets, Mañueco regretted that the secretary general of Vox, Ignacio Garrigawent to Castile and León to say that his party would not support them, thus confirming, in the opinion of the Prime Minister, the lack of independence of the regional leaders of Vox. “I tell you with all affection, you have chosen the wrong opponent. You come to attack the PP by creating a link with the PSOE. Vox voters expect it to attack the disastrous policy of Sánchez, not the PP. Forget the obsession with the PP,” said the Prime Minister while recalling that it was Vox that broke the government pact in the region.

“You’re the one who broke the government pact because of the imposition of the Madrid offices of their political formation. You are the one who broke your word. They forced him to stop working for the people of Castilla y León. “He had to flee the government,” he said.

For his part, García-Gallardo accused the chairman of the board of directors of disguising cowardice as moderation in what he also considers “a version of white label by Juan Vicente Herrera“, and warned Fernández Mañueco that he would “pay dearly at the polls” for not supporting the development of an “integrative law that protects all victims” against “sectarian regulations that demonize half of Spain.”

“Castilla y León deserves a president who does not lie, a president who tells the truth“, said the spokesman of the Vox parliamentary group, who regretted that with the refusal to deal with the Concordia law, Fernández Mañueco preferred to be María Guardiola and not Carlos Mazón or Jorge Azcón.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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