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The Provincial Council of Córdoba and the College of Veterinarians create a working group to help municipalities against the West Nile virus

THE Provincial Council and College of Veterinarians of Cordoba announced this Tuesday the creation of a working groupin which there will also be the University of Cordobato “advise and assist all municipalities in planning the control and monitoring of West Nile virus throughout the province. This was announced by the president of the provincial institution, Salvador Fuentes, who, together with the president of the College of Veterinarians, José María Torres, presented the initiative.

In this sense, Fuentes indicated that in parallel we will sign an agreement with the Competitive Research Unit of Zoonoses and Emerging Diseases of the University of Córdoba to be in charge of the epidemiological study of the mosquito, map all risk situationssee where the larvae are and which areas are likely to be affected. “In short, set guidelines for action and advice,” he added.

It should be remembered that at present there are two cases of infection with the West Nile virus in the province of Cordoba. The first was a. 64 year old woman from La Rambla who was in intensive care at the Reina Sofía Hospital until this Monday, when he was transferred to the ward and was already able to speak with his relatives. His evolution is favorable. Just yesterday, the second was communicated, a nonagenarian neighbor of Fernán Núñez who entered.

Regarding the latter case, the mayor of this commune, Alphonse Alcaïdereiterated, in statements to ABC, that as far as is known, the person concerned is older, although he did not specify his age. The mayor indicated that he is basing his decision on the data provided by the Health Delegation of Córdoba and, for the moment, he has not had access to any other information.

Warden expressed his concern for the situation raised and declared that the city is at risk level 5. According to the protocols for this alarm level, surveillance and control measures must be adopted for the population of this type of insects in order to avoid the transmission of the infection.

It will also be necessary elaborate A municipal surveillance plan which must be carried out by a company specializing in this type of file. However, before this plan is put in place, fumigations will be carried out in places considered conducive to the proliferation of these mosquitoes. Attacking first the oldest ones and then the larvae.

The mayor of Fernán Núñez shows his concern after the detection of a case in his municipality

In Fernand NunezFurthermore, since last week, had intensified the cleaning of the fountains and in the places where it was detected stagnant water. A was also prepared Citizen information plan so that they take into account the hours of greatest incidence of bites: these are around dawn and after dusk. In the same sense, it has been advised to avoid the accumulation of water in pots or terraces or to use mosquito nets on windows.

In addition to these measures, the highest representative of the Provincial Council recalled that “he transferred to the Council of Mayors the possibility of having a company throughout the province for all the necessary disinfestation and fumigation tasks. The idea is that there is a large company that acts immediately when the technicians decide to do so.

Finally, Fuentes said that “we will urge the Guadalquivir Hydrographic Confederation to act in terms of clearing and maintenance of the channels of streams, rivers and ponds under its jurisdiction and we will influence the information of citizens by distributing throughout the province certain diptychs prepared by the College of Veterinarians of Seville so that we all know how to act preventively. It is currently one of the most affected provinces.

For his part, José María Torres recalled that “this virus affects Andalusia because many migratory birds come and some come with the virus, the mosquito that is found at the edge of the river bites birds and the virus develops. “Then the mosquito bites horses and people and they become infected.”

Torres, who thanked the Provincial Council for its proactivity despite the fact that the powers of disinfestation are municipal, insisted that “it is a public health problem This concerns us all and, therefore, we must all help, whether by acting at different times, controlling rivers and canals, not generating ponds, attacking larvae, etc. In addition, informing the population is very important to know what we must do.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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