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They will be able to receive up to 6,480 euros

More aid for the self-employed. Cantabria has published a new decree to promote the start-up of the activity of self-employed workers, which “significantly” increases subsidies and will have a budget of 6.7 million euros.

The head of the Ministry of Industry, Employment, Innovation and Commerce of the Government of Cantabria, Eduardo Arasti, presented this Tuesday at a press conference the scope of the new regional regulations aimed at promoting self-employment, which includes greater economic incentives for groups in difficultysuch as the long-term unemployed, women, victims of gender-based violence and people with disabilities, or for those whose activity is carried out in areas at risk of depopulation.

As the advisor pointed out, the main objective of this decree is encourage the number of registrations and requests for help at the start of the activitywhich have declined in recent years, as has self-employment.

The basic amounts of the new subsidies, as an incentive to register with the RETA to help start self-employed activity, will vary from 2,000 to 5,400 euros, which may be increased in the aforementioned cases – depending on the characteristics of the person, the activity to be carried out and the place of establishment – by an additional 20%, up to 6,480 euros.

In this sense, Arasti stressed that only the group of unemployed people over 45 years old the increase in aid is at least 500 euros. Likewise, more self-employed workers in the agricultural and livestock sectors will receive this financial aid at the start of their activity, since they will only have to follow the specific training corresponding to the integration courses in the smaller agricultural company. number of hours of training.

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According to the advisor, another improvement compared to the previous decree is the extension of the grant application period from one to two monthsupon delivery of the feasibility report, in order to reach a greater number of beneficiaries.

Concretely, these aids from the Cantabrian Executive aim to: unemployed people who register with the Special Scheme for Self-Employed Workers of Social Security (RETA), in any other special social security scheme for self-employed workers (special agrarian scheme and special scheme for sea workers), in the mutual societies of professional associations, as well as for people residing outside Spain who wish to return to Cantabria and register as self-employed workers.

Success of the first self-employment plan

The Minister of Employment highlighted the increase in the Cantabrian government’s support for the independent sector with the implementation of the measures included in the first Cantabrian Independent Employment Plan to face a sector in decline with the previous PRC government.

As Arasti pointed out, between June 2015 and June 2023, More than 800 self-employed workers lost in Cantabriaor an average of 100 self-employed workers per year for 8 years, a loss of self-employed employment that was “increasing”, given that a year ago, in September 2023, more than 300 jobs were lost in this sector in one year, compared to the same month of the 2022 financial year.

In the face of this, Minister Arasti pointed out that the loss of self-employed workers was reduced by only six self-employed workers in the last year, which he attributed to the progress made by the first plan for self-employed workers, which was, according to him, “an emergency plan” and “an effective brake on this enormous deterioration” which is occurringThe Plan “represents a clear turning point in the situation observed” by the government headed by María José Sáenz de Buruaga, he stressed.

In fact, as announced in today’s press conference, the Cantabrian government has already implemented 98% of the measures included in the planpresented just seven months ago, with 50 measures and a budget of 38 million eurosof which 22.5 million are aid exclusively intended for the self-employed, compared to the 11.5 million allocated by the previous government, almost double the increase. In addition to the 22.5 million intended for the self-employed, there is an additional 15.3 million euros in aid and financing that can be accessed by both the self-employed and SMEs.

This decree on new self-employed workers means the implementation of measure number 46 of the 50 that make up the first autonomous employment plan of Cantabriawhich also benefits, as the advisor recalled, from the support of the sector.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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