Home Entertainment News The wind brings down a large tree in a children’s park in...

The wind brings down a large tree in a children’s park in Elizondo

The wind brings down a large tree in a children’s park in Elizondo

THE Civil Guard This Sunday morning, the municipal playground in Plaza Buru de Elizondo, where minors played, was closed off, due to the risk of falling from a tree large dimensions due to strong windsince part of the roots has moved. The specimen finally fell without causing injury.

After receiving a notice from a citizen around 12:30 p.m., the patrol who went to the scene observed a tree approximately 12 meters high and large in diameter, like a fir, which was inside the playing field and who moved with a risk of falling since also the roots were starting to move and the ground was soft.

Due to the risk, The officers evacuated the playground where there were children playing accompanied by the family. They then cordoned off the premises as well as the public parking lot located behind Plaza Buru, through which pedestrians passed, thus cutting off access to vehicles and pedestrians.

The tree has finally fallen on the access road to the car park, damaging the park wall and the fence of a neighboring palace. As these are communications routes and municipal facilities, the incident was reported to the Baztán Municipal Police Chief. There was no damage to people or vehicles.


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