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HomeBreaking NewsRufián and Oskar Matute attend a Teresa Rodríguez party forum

Rufián and Oskar Matute attend a Teresa Rodríguez party forum

MarinaledaThe Sevillian municipality considered the Andalusian communist paradise, will host this weekend the first edition of the autumn school. This is a forum organized by Adelante Andalucía, the party founded by Therese Rodriguezwhat will have the cream of the crop of the Basque and Catalan independence movement.

Among those invited to participate in the conference stand out great defenders of separatism, such as the spokespersons of the ERC, Gabriel Rufian; MP EH Bildu Oskar Matute; the deputy of the Parliament of Catalonia of the CUP Laura Vega and that of Galicia Noa Presas.

Marinaleda is one of the most unique towns in the province of Seville. This town of 2,600 inhabitants was governed since the beginning of democracy by the mayor Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo, known for his far-left ideals and his famous Palestinian headscarf.

He was the leader the whole city followed decades ago, fists raised towards squatter El Humoso farmof 1,200 hectares and then belonging to the children of the Duke of Infantado with the aim that the land was for those who work it.

And that’s how it became a local emblem managed by cooperatives and which employs a good part of the day laborers of this cityIn 1990, the Andalusian Government bought it from its legitimate heirs and now, after a decision by the TSJA, it can proceed with the eviction and even put it up for sale.

This is precisely one of the reasons for the choice this municipality to celebrate this forum from this Friday to SundayThe highlight will be on Saturday, at 7:30 p.m., when they will meet around a round table entitled “Sovereignty” with Rufián, Matute, Laura Vega and Noa Presas, as well as the spokesperson of Adelante, José Ignacio García.

“Trains and planes don’t come to this city, but it has a special meaning and great symbolism for its historical role “of the struggle of day laborers for land,” declared the organization of this party, Mari Garciaduring the presentation of the event.

Nearly 300 people have confirmed their presence at the forum. The conference will begin this Friday with greetings from the current mayor of Marinaleda, Sergio Gomezand also spokesperson for Adelante Andalucía, Therese Rodriguez.

On Sunday, participants will visit the El Humoso farm, which Adelante describes as “an example of an agricultural model today in danger because of the PP“, referring to the Andalusian government’s plans to sell this property after the aforementioned TSJA ruling.

Palestinian situation

On Friday, the first conference will focus on the situation in Palestine. It will include members of the Andalusian platforms for Palestine and even Palestinians who have family in Gaza such as Sausan Alkhouly, Rosario Granado, Miguel Urbán, Javier Díaz and Carlos Fernández.

Saturday will be the day with the most content with different tables to tackle Andalusian capitalismenvironmentalism and land and water issues in Andalusia, feminism, THE tourism and also on Andalusian culture.

Participating will be, among others, the economists Óscar García Jurado, Manuel Delgado Cabeza, Astrid Agenjo, the anthropologists Emma Martín and Virginia Piña, the artist Bernar USK, the writer Miquel Ramos and the expert in urban models Ibán Díaz.

The final touch on Saturday will be a gathering of the Andalusian group’s spokespeople and a concert by a local group.




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