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HomeBreaking NewsAmerica's never-ending separatist love affair: Armenia is playing a dangerous game

America’s never-ending separatist love affair: Armenia is playing a dangerous game

The West, especially the United States, always brings up the Karabakh issue again and tries to implement the most dangerous scenarios and plans. In addition to showing support for peace talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan at the highest level, the White House encourages the spread of separatist and revanchist ideas. It unilaterally increases aid to Armenia and tries to strengthen itself through various institutions. It must be admitted that there are “successes” in this regard. The Armenian government is completely oriented towards the West and anti-Russian activity has reached its peak.

The United States is actively using the ruins of the former regime to tempt Armenia. Anti-Azerbaijani rallies and conferences are held in Congress, and statements are made. The remnants of the separatist regime are given shelter, speeches and meetings are organized. By the way, the upcoming anti-Azerbaijani bill introduced by pro-Armenian Congressman Adam Schiff, known for his anti-Azerbaijani position in the US Congress, is also of this kind. The bill is a provocative and wrong step both in name and content.

The organization of hearings under the title “Human rights in Azerbaijan after the fall of Nagorno-Karabakh” at the Tom Lantos Congressional Human Rights Commission is also part of this dirty plan. Speakers at the hearings organized by the Armenian lobby openly distorted existing facts and expressed unfounded opinions against Azerbaijan. The speakers were not chosen in this way. At the hearings held in Karabakh with the participation of representatives of the former separatist regime, Azerbaijan was insulted.

Representative of the former separatist regime, Gegham Stepanyan, was also among those who spoke here. Before that, similar shows were organised in Paris. The goals are also clear. They believe that by supporting Armenia in the “Karabakh issue” they will be able to put pressure on Azerbaijan and strengthen their position in the South Caucasus.

As always, Armenia joined the process of realizing this dangerous plan. It is no coincidence that Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, as well as Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan, have recently expressed their readiness to sign a peace agreement with Azerbaijan from different forums.

“Armenia is interested in establishing stability in the South Caucasus and is ready to sign a peace agreement with Azerbaijan as soon as possible,” Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan said today during a meeting with OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Maltese Foreign Minister and Member of the Maltese Parliament Ian Borg on the sidelines of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly in New York.

Earlier, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan also stated that the agreed text of the peace agreement was offered to Azerbaijan.

Let us note that the Armenian side has been repeatedly singled out for its different and slippery position. For example, it is enough to recall the statement made last year by the Chairman of the Security Council of Armenia, Armen Grigoryan. At that time, the head of the TC said: “There is such an approach in negotiations with Azerbaijan: if an agreement is not reached on all issues, then nothing has been agreed.” We have seen such absurd and contradictory statements from the Armenian side before.

But what is the reason for the statements being made now? Of course, the insidious plan of the West is hidden here. Everything is being done to gather the parties in their capitals and stadiums and then return the Armenians who voluntarily left Karabakh. Azerbaijan also understood the plans of Yerevan and the West in time and is taking active steps. It openly stated that it considers the proposal to sign the draft peace agreement unacceptable, except for the provisions not agreed upon by the Armenian authorities. It was unequivocally emphasized that Armenia intends to leave the existing problems for the next stage. That is, if the Armenian constitution has territorial claims against our country, how can it document the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan?

The West’s plan is clear and it is not interested in the future fate of the Armenian people. Armenia just needs to learn from all this. It must understand that it is playing a very dangerous game. This game can end badly both for the Armenians themselves and for their statehood. The more Armenia plays by Franco-American rules, the more urgent the issue of West Azerbaijan’s government becomes. Considering that Armenia continues to lay claim to our territories, Baku should think about taking asymmetrical measures. The United States must understand that it is unacceptable for Azerbaijan to disrespect the internationally recognized territorial integrity and distort the sovereign rights of our country. Granting visas to representatives of the above-mentioned former illegal regime and creating conditions for their participation in the event is a sign of our country’s support for separatism.

Information Agency “Report”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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