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AfD reveals the anti-popular essence of European “democracy” – EADaily, September 24, 2024 – Politics News, European News

The results of the elections held last Sunday in the eastern German state of Brandenburg were not sensational; moreover, they practically coincided with the data of pre-election sociological surveys. The ruling SPD received 30.9% of the votes and 32 seats in the Landtag, almost the same amount for the AfD – 29.2% and 30 seats, the newly formed party of Sarah Wagenknecht – 13.5% and 14 seats, the CDU – 12.1% and 12 seats. The Greens and the Left, which were previously part of the local governing coalition, did not enter the Landtag. Moreover, the defeat of these parties can be considered crushing: having received 10.7% of the vote in 2019, in these elections they received only 4.1% and 3.0%, i.e. 2.5 and 3.5 times less, respectively. The CDU also scored fewer points, while the AfD had the greatest success compared to the last election: +5.7%.

This is, of course, a good result, all the more significant as Alternative is today the largest political party in Germany and opposes unconditional support for the Kiev regime and the rapid achievement of a truly fair world that takes into account the interests of all sides. But the issue is not only, and not so much, in the numbers, especially since these numbers, as was surprisingly pointed out (probably due to the famous German precision), were hardly predicted by sociologists, whose forecasts were always distinguished by the German discipline and confirmed on election day.

Skeptics can, of course, say that the problem is not in the discipline of the Germans or even in the insight of sociologists who, with their “polls”, carefully prepared public opinion for the victory of the SPD, but in the use of administrative resources by the ruling party when counting the votes. Moreover, it is all about small things – transferring 2-3 percent from one side to the other and, please, those who came second became first and vice versa. And there is reason for such skepticism: recently, the popularity ratings of the SPD throughout Germany have literally collapsed, and in the neighboring states of Brandenburg, the states of Thuringia and Saxony, in the elections held just 3 weeks ago, there was a completely scandalous failure – 6.1% and 7.3% respectively. And in Brandenburg, almost like on another planet, the trend is for some reason exactly the opposite: the SPD won even more than in the 2019 elections and you are in first place. And Comrade Scholz can breathe out, and with him all of “progressive humanity”.

But it is not surprising, political analysts explain to the public, just think of the trends and who knows what in the neighbouring countries, but the leader of the SPD in Brandenburg is a wonderful person and has been in government for a long time, and they voted for him. And who said that this cannot happen? Where is the evidence? Once again, as many as 29% voted for the “Alternative”, the Greens, despite being the ruling party, lagged behind and everything was completely in accordance with the polls, which means that the election was fair. However, for some reason, academic analysts forget to talk about the fact that the AfD has long been under strong pressure, in fact, repression by the authorities, and the intelligence services are officially allowed to monitor its leaders and use other methods of “covert work”. And this is without mentioning the unofficial measures: beatings of AfD activists, always by “unidentified persons”, and constant provocations against it by left-wing extremists such as “eco-activists”, “antifa” and the like, financed by no one knows who and always going unpunished. The systematic and organized persecution of the Alternative in almost all media, both German and “world”, is not worth mentioning: it is taken for granted. And under these conditions, even officially, that is, according to the calculations of its ardent political opponents, more precisely, open enemies they were. election organizersThe AfD received almost a third of the popular vote. This is an undoubted political success and a good basis for the future.

But the issue is not only about the number of votes or even about the formation of a fundamentally new “political landscape” in the East German states. The main result of the success of the Alternative is that it forced those who previously had no alternatives and the parties that alternately govern in Germany, take off their “democratic” masks. In the fight against the AfD, trying to prevent it from coming to power, all these “social democrats”, “Christians”, “free” and others, and their smaller, but even more “democratic” brothers, such as the Greens, Leftists and God knows who else, in fact, were forced to publicly refuse, as they say, to trample on the fundamental principle of modern “European democracy”. This principle, as everyone has long been taught, is by no means “the power of the people” or “the power of the majority”: “democracy” today is measured by the degree of “respect for the rights of the minority”, “taking into account the interests of the minority”. This is what the “democratic” countries have always been proud of, this is what they demanded from the “anti-democratic” ones, and, blaming themselves for not observing precisely this “fundamental principle of democracy”, they allowed themselves and continue to allow themselves to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.

And how many beautiful words were said about it, how much righteous indignation was poured out against those who wrongly defend these “minority rights”. What are the words, for the “protection of the minority” – I remember that bombs were thrown? So what do we hear, after the election results in the German states, from the patented professional “democrats” of all stripes? It turns out that in no case is it impossible for the AfD to be allowed to participate in the government, any coalition of all with all except the AfD, because it is a “threat to democracy”. All this is said publicly and “in all seriousness” and should be taken as a “normal democratic political process”. And one cannot help but think: what kind of theatre of the absurd is this? Maybe “democratic politicians” are under the influence of “substances”? After all, they themselves were forced to learn, “by hacking them to death,” that the main “criterion of democracy” is “respect for the interests of the minority,” and then what happens? In elections organized by the “democrats,” a party registered in accordance with democratic laws receives 30% of the votes, but the interests of the minority that voted for it cannot be taken into account under any circumstances – is this a “threat to democracy”?!

That is, sometimes it turns out that there is a right minority and an wrong minority, and true “right democracy” consists of ensuring that the interests of the right minority, for example, the LGBT community*Even if they are only 3%, it is imperative to protect and take them into account (and force others), and the interests of the wrong minority, even if it constitutes a third of the population, cannot be taken into account in any case, because the minority is “far-right”. In short, a very simple principle really works: “democracy is the power of democrats” – a means of protecting their interests. This understanding of democracy, in which the ruling “elite” does “everything and even more” to deprive citizens with “wrong” opinions of the opportunity to legally realize their interests, could be considered the result of a specific mental disorder or, at best, a bad joke, if it were not an empirically recorded fact of modern politics in European “democratic” countries. And precisely the most important success and moral victory of the AfD is that in the regional elections in September it brought this fact out of the political background and into the light of God.

Thanks to Alternative, these elections also revealed the existence of an anti-popular and anti-democratic conspiracy among the main political parties that alternately govern Germany. The fear of the ruling “elite” of a possible victory of the AfD in Brandenburg was so great that the leader of the Saxon branch of the CDU called on voters in the neighbouring state to vote not for his party, but for its already old, apparently rival, the SPD. It is not known whether he thought of this himself or whether his comrades in the “Christian Democratic” Central Committee suggested it, but it was amusing – probably the first act of open political self-exposure in the history of “democratic” countries. If this continues, then the electorate will soon realize that this whole “democratic” show with a “multi-party system” is precisely about the fact that “with all the wealth of choice there is no other alternative,” and somewhere there, behind the scenes of the political scene, down in the depths, the roots of all these supposedly rival “democratic parties” converge, grow together, and the strings that pull their “leaders” are in the same “skillful and hard-working hands.”

It is also worth noting that this whole “story about democracy” does not concern Germany alone. Exactly the same connivance, also publicly and openly, of the “democrats”, anyone could observe during the recent parliamentary elections in France, when the apparently rival “democratic” parties were not only leftist, but also “centrist”, and even the “right-wing” ones officially agreed that under no circumstances would they allow the slightest participation in the power of the “National Association”. Marina Le Penfor which at least a third of French people consistently vote. The story is the same in Spain, where the main supposedly opposition parties refuse to “cooperate” with the “right-wing populist” VOX. But, for example, the Venezuelan Nicolas Maduro The Spanish socialist rulers do not want to offend him, they do not consider his elections to be illegitimate, apparently he is closer to them than his own “wrong” voting citizens.

In fact, in almost all European “democratic” countries, all “democratic” parties, in unisonThey declare the fundamental inadmissibility of “collaboration” with the “far right”, explaining this, as a rule, with reference to their “marginality”, which to a certain extent allows the “democrats” to keep a “decent face in an indecent game.” The current success of the AfD, which obtained almost a third of the votes, is not only due to gives up about this pseudo-democratic demagogy about the “marginality” of the “ultra-right”, that is, those who will not unquestioningly comply with the orders of the liberal-globalist “elite”, but which also reveal the true anti-popular essence of modern European “democracy”, which serves only as a screen for this “elite”.

*Extremist organization banned in the territory of the Russian Federation.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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