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“When you think you’re the best, you don’t want to know more”

The “Messi of Polo”, the “King of Polo” or “Adolfito”, that is how the best polo player in the world is known. Adolfo Cambiaso (1975, Cañuelas, Buenos Aires, Argentina), he has been breaking records since the age of 12 that keep him at the top of polo. He is the greatest reference in the history of this sport, having reached 100 games played at the Argentine Open in Palermo and is the top scorer with more than 1,000 goals. He reached the handicap of 10 goals in 1994, becoming the youngest player to achieve it. He has won more than 195 titles in 7 different countries. Today, at the Ayala Polo Club, the Spanish tournament ends with the famous Sotogrande Gold Cup; Avant, the number one in international polo, receives exclusively ABC.

-Were you born or became world number 1?

-You obviously have to have a gift that helps you first and then work on it. You’re not number one just because. There’s a lot of work behind that. So you’re born and you’re created, both things.

-From your career and all the titles you have obtained, is there a competition that stands out as being particularly valued?

-The one I won with my son is the one I remember the most, the Argentine Open 2022, I wanted it a lot, it was like a closure in my career. Any drink they gave me afterwards was extra, it was a gift.

-What is the best polo competition in the world?

-The US Open, the Open and the two FA Cups are the four most important tournaments for me.

-This year you returned to Sotogrande, what place does it occupy for you in the international calendar and in your career?

-Very beautiful. I have many friends. It is an impressive climate. It is incredible. You eat too much. The courts are very good. The truth is that the Ayala Polo Club and the Minuto Siete are doing an impressive job and I would like to thank Iñigo Zobel because he is making a terrible effort for polo to exist. There are many things that must be recognized and that makes it even more beautiful.

-You are playing the tournament with your daughter Mia, what is special about playing in the same team as your daughter? Do you find it more motivating to play alongside her? And for your daughter, does it put pressure on her to play at your level of polo?

-I saw her very prepared when we played the Queen’s Cup this year. I think she plays very well. We had a lot of fun, we played with new horses, we shared games, we shared the court, we shared a house, so we had a lot of fun. I think having the chance to play with Mia was a pleasure for me.

-And as for your other daughter Myla, how is her career going? We also saw her in La Rural this year…

-She also shares the horses, but she also shares a lot with her mother, she is more complete in two aspects, she walks and plays polo, she also jumps.

-You have tried to prevent polo from continuing to be associated only with the elite, why do you think its popularity is not increasing?

-It will continue to be seen in many countries by the elite, by royalty, many very wealthy people participate in it, they will always see it from there.

-You own over 1,500 horses… What was your best horse? What should the best polo horse look like?

-La Cuartétéra. The best are La Cuartetera and her clones. They have temperament, mouth, size, physique. I think they have everything a horse should be for any polo athlete. She is one of the only mares I would lend to any polo player, from zero to ten goals he would love her.

-You have been cloning horses since 2010 and now you also have 30 different horse clones, is it better to play with a cloned horse?

– The impact is that it is a reality, I made it a reality. I started very criticized and today I think that 90% of the polos, including those who said bad things about me, are cloning.

-His back hurts every day but he said the adrenaline of achieving his dreams is what keeps him going…

-Yes, it is a reality, the adrenaline and the chance to play polo with my children. If I did not have my children today, I do not know if I would make as much physical effort to play at a high level.

-He once said that you should try to be the best but not believe yourself to be the best…

-I got it, I got it. I think you have to try to be the best and when you think you’re the best, it’s because you’re not going to want to learn more. There’s always something to learn, there’s always something to improve.

-A Spanish athlete who stands out?

-Rafa. From afar.

-Why? What’s wrong with Rafa?

– All. Humble person…

-Do you still have goals to achieve?

-Win a big cup, outside, with Mia.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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