Wednesday, September 25, 2024 - 4:49 am
HomeTop StoriesThe government is already negotiating with Junts its support for the deficit...

The government is already negotiating with Junts its support for the deficit trajectory with 12 billion millions at stake for the LACC

The government had no intention of touching even a single comma of the deficit path who already overthrew Congress in July, and that he intended to vote a second time on Thursday. But this Tuesday, knowing that he would lose the vote the day after tomorrow, removed it from the parliamentary process. And the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, assured two weeks ago that it was difficult to improve.

What is excellent is very difficult to improve.. It is difficult to improve this trajectory,” is how Minister Montero spoke on September 10 about the deficit trajectory. In addition, she insisted that “it is the most generous thing that the Spanish government has ever done and of institutional loyalty in terms of respect.” to territorial administrations.”

Now, the government has explained that it had asked to postpone the parliamentary treatment of the path – which had already been rejected in July by the PP, Vox and Junts – “to give an opportunity for dialogue.” Indeed, the same government spokeswoman, Pilar Alegría, acknowledged this Tuesday morning after the Council of Ministers having postponed the treatment “negotiate with Junts.”

They also negotiate budgets

The socialists believe that they can still approve the deficit path alongside Puigdemont, even if it is later than expected. Socialist sources confirm to LaSexta that PSOE and Junts are already negotiating agree on a new deficit trajectory, in addition to the 2025 general budgets, the key to legislative power.

Although they do not have a deadline for these conversations, the same sources assure LaSexta that They see possibilities for reaching an agreement on both issues. Meanwhile, ERC has already warned the Treasury that it will also have to negotiate with it to chart a new course and that its votes will not be free.

At the exit of the Senate, this was already confirmed by the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, who acknowledged that “we always talk”“I believe that whenever there is an opportunity for dialogue, the government takes advantage of it. And what is important is that we give an opportunity for dialogue and then we will take advantage of it,” Montero commented in the corridors.

Furthermore, he assured that “if we reach an agreement, perfect; and if we do not reach an agreement, we will resume the path.” It is then that he warns that, if he does not achieve it, “unfortunately Territories will find themselves without 12 billion euros“.





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