Wednesday, September 25, 2024 - 6:05 am
HomeTrump leads Harris on foreign policy in key states: poll results

Trump leads Harris on foreign policy in key states: poll results

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is comfortably ahead of his Democratic rival Kamala Harris on foreign policy issues in key US states.

Axios reports this based on new survey data from the Global Affairs Institute.

Polls have shown that undecided voters in six critical electoral states (Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin) view Trump as more capable of handling key international issues. Among those issues are ending Russia’s war against Ukraine, resolving the conflict in Gaza, as well as a possible response to China’s potential aggression against Taiwan. Voters believe Trump will be able to advance American interests on the world stage more effectively than Harris.

In particular, according to polls, Trump leads in these states by 58% to 42% on the question of ending the armed conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza. There is a similar split regarding a possible Chinese attack on Taiwan. Voters are confident that Trump will be able to respond more quickly and effectively to this threat.

In addition, the Republican candidate is ahead of Harris on immigration policy issues. In the swing states, 56% of voters believe Trump will do a better job, while only 44% support Harris.

However, at the national level, Harris has the edge on other important issues. She is thus ahead of Trump on issues of responding to global crises (52% vs. 48%) and improving America’s international reputation (53% vs. 47%). But in the swing states, these gaps virtually disappear, making the picture less clear.

The study also found that voters perceive Trump’s foreign policy positions to be more clearly articulated than Harris’s, especially in swing states that could be decisive in the election. However, according to experts, foreign policy is not an important issue for most voters, with the exception of the question of migration.

The poll was conducted by the Global Affairs Institute from August 15-22, 2024 among 1,865 U.S. citizens, including 1,000 voters from six key states. The survey error is +/- 3.9%.

Previously, Cursor wrote about how the Kremlin is helping Trump become president with the help of AI.

Russia is waging a massive campaign to support Trump while discrediting his opponents.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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