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“Sanchez and Begoña Gómez, cornered!”

Pedro Sanchez’s family is starting to be the family Sánchez. Increasingly cornered by justice. Today we published in OKDIARIO, exclusively by Irene Tabera, the video of Sánchez’s statement before Judge Peinado. Sánchez’s cries They arrive in Ferraz and Moncloa from New York.

Let me dream of this scene. Three in the morning in Spain. Irene Tabera publishes the video. At OKDIARIO, you see, we don’t sleep. It is nine o’clock in the evening in New York. The newcomers to his office (sociologists, academics, theorists…) see him and draw lots to find out who he is. the handsome guy who tells the boss knowing his tantrums whenever something upset him (throwing mobile phones, kicking objects…). In Sánchez’s new cabinet, it must have been thought that Francesc Vallés, the Secretary of State for Communication, who for the moment has been spared from the purge, should be the winner because of his seniority: “Let’s be brave.”

I imagine Sánchez, having overcome the alcohol of the first moment, in the solitude of his room in Manhattan, playing over and over again a pseudo-media like OKDIARIO. We know that he does it often, like when he decided to dedicate the Atocha station to Almudena Grandes after our interview with Almeida and the scandal caused by the left. for speaking clearly about the writer. Almudena Grandes owes OKDIARIO the station.

Listening to Sinatra, with New York at his feet, Sánchez goes to OKDIARIO to watch his video before the judge. As “good” as he is (according to that socialist deputy from Madrid who is in love with the president after having passed through his office), Narciso Monclovita must have also been bothered by the fact that, with the quality of the image, his beauty could not be distinguished in all its splendor. Yes, his contained anger could be distinguished and that Sanchez was shaking his ass on the chair, A topical expression, without a doubt, of such a historic moment. The first president in office before a judge with his multi-accused wife.

Yesterday we asked ourselves at La Antorcha if Sánchez had broken a record before Judge Peinado: lie in just a minute and a half when he declared that he had no “relationship” or “friendship” with Carlos Barrabés. A surprising oversight by the president when They skied together in BenasqueThey met alone in Moncloa and he publicly promoted the Aragonese businessman who is also a friend of Begoña Gómez.

Will the testimony be inferred from that microsecond in which Sánchez says “no” to the judge’s question to determine whether it has criminal relevance? As a witness, as we already told you yesterday, Sánchez had an obligation to tell the truth. Perjury is punishable by two years in prison.

Today, the Provincial Court of Madrid authorized Judge Peinado to also investigate Begoña Gómez for embezzlement of software of Complutense. You know. Three important technology companies did it in passing, to which Begoña Gómez went to expressly request this “total gratuity”. Her top executives received her and accepted such an expensive favor, of course, because she was the wife of the president of the government. Then came the best. To market it, Begoña Gómez He registered it in his name. Of course, it billed Complutense for the costs of development and maintenance of the software. In my city, it has a very harsh face.

The most relevant. The Madrid court authorizes Judge Peinado to expand the investigation into Sánchez’s wife to the crime of appropriation because – he says – he sees a link with the rest of the ongoing investigations. This could advance the most important and worst scenario for Sánchez and his wife: that the same court, on the 30th, decides to allow Peinado to continue his investigation totally or partially.

Begoña Gomez She is already accused of commercial corruption. and influence peddling. Only embezzlement can be punished with a sentence of up to three years in prison.

David Sánchez, Sánchez’s brother, seduces his sister-in-law. He is already accused of five crimes. Namely: embezzlement; embezzlement; influence peddling; offense against the Public Treasury and offense against the Public Administration. Do they take note of everything? Do they add crimes and, if necessary, years in prison?

Sánchez is still in New York today, at the UN, to resolve the problem. global issues While he tries to kill his people here, the corruption cases surrounding his family and government, hit the air like crazy. Nothing like a trip abroad to escape reality. All leaders in trouble do it.

It’s like killing the messenger. If today we know what we learn about Tsar Pedro, his Zarina Begoña, his Rasputin Koldo and Ábalos and the rest of the Sanchism gang, it is thanks to the free press like OKDIARIO.

And it is also thanks to the plaintiffs before the courts. Vox is one of them. It is fair to say that Santiago Abascal’s training fights everythingThis is the truth, and in all areas (the street, parliament, the press or the courts) to confront a sick autocrat with more dictatorial powers than ever.

Because Sánchez will not fall because of clever phrases, extreme moderation, almost childish videos on the networks of some leaders and on artificial beaches. Aznar was able, after many years, finish Felipe González (go away Mr. González!) because he had a brilliant team of bulldozers Behind them, they left no respite to felipism, showing their fangs every day.

Or in other words. With what is happening in this country, the PP seems to be looking for grapes by talking these days about family conciliation (we do not know if it is about Pedro and Begoña) or the four-day working day, we do not know if it is about winning Now, also, the vote of Errejón and Mónica García, promoters of such an idea in this Spain where productivity is at its lowest.

Sánchez is trying to stop the tsunami that is heading towards him with both hands. He will be able to resist Moncloa for a year and a half with his sinister alliance of putschists, Bolivarians and former terrorists. He has enough shamelessness to compensate for the lack of parliamentary support and he has the money from European funds to continue boosting the economy and buying votes. Von der Leyen, who seems socialist, in addition to being in love, is not going to cut them off.

Time is always the best judge and Sanchez will fall. Don’t hesitate. But you have to help him and work hard. And not to sit down, as Rajoy did with Zapateroto see his corpse pass by Genova, 13. Zapatero’s story was sung by the crisis. With Sánchez, it will not be so easy and he will die killing.

Faith and work. Time, the great judge, will put everyone in their place, however unbeatable they may be. To Pedro Sánchez, to his corrupt government, to his sheepish party of snap North Korea and, of course, its family.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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