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The political class supports El Español de Aragón in its debut at the Teatro Principal in Zaragoza

El Español de Aragón celebrated its debut this Tuesday at the emblematic Teatro Principal in Zaragoza. During the event, there was the presence and intervention of the President of the Government, Jorge Azcón, and the Mayor of Zaragoza, Natalia Chueca. In addition to a few words dedicated by the executive president of El Español, Pedro J. Ramírez.

The ceremony was attended by more than 450 guests, among whom praised the environment. political institutions at national, regional and municipal levels.

They accompanied the presentation event of El Español de Aragón the president of Aragon, Jorge Azcónwho was present alongside representatives of the Government of Aragon such as the Vice President, Mar Vaquero; the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Food, Javier Rincón; the Minister of Health, José Luis Bancalero; the Minister of Development, Housing and Logistics, Octavio López. In addition to the head of the Health Cabinet, Ángel Muzás.

Also present were the Secretary General, Juan Pérez Mas; the Director General of Economy, Javier Martínez; the Director General of Labor, Jesús Divassón; the Director General of Local Administration, Marina Sevilla. In addition, the judge of Aragon, Concepción Jimenodid not want to miss the event, as did the new director of the General Military Academy, Prudencio Horche.

The City Council of Zaragoza did not miss the appointment either and had the participation of the mayor of Zaragoza, Natalia Chuecaand members of his team. The event was attended by the Councilor for the Presidency, Institutional Relations and Citizen Security and the Delegate Councilor for the Local Police, Ángel Lorén; the Councilor for the Economy, Digital Transformation and Transparency, Carlos Gimeno; the Councilor for Social Policies, Marian Orós; the Councilor for Culture, Education and Tourism, Sara Fernández; the Councilor for the Environment and Mobility, Tatiana Gaudes; and the Councilor for Urban Planning, Infrastructure, Energy and Housing, Víctor Serrano.

Other institutional members of the Consistory wished to be present PSOE spokesperson, Lola Raneraand deputy spokesman Alfonso Gómez, and councillor Eva Cerdán, from the socialist group of the Zaragoza City Council. Vox spokesperson Julio Calvo and Eva Torres were also present.

On behalf of the Cortes of Aragon, the spokesperson of the PSOE, Mayte Pérez. From the There is a political group of Aragon-Teruel The deputies Maria Pilar Buj, Joaquin Moreno and Tomás Guitarte were present. They were not the only ones who did not want to miss the appointment, such as the PAR deputy, Alberto Izquierdo Vicente. On the PP group side, several were approached such as Carmen Herrarte, Elena Allué de Baro, Fernando Ledesma, Maria Navarro, Juan Pablo Artero and Ignacio Urquizu.

There was also representatives of provincial and regional councils. Among them, the first vice-president of the Provincial Council of Zaragoza, Teresa Ladrero.




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