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Leaders question their effectiveness in acting in global conflicts

With the Middle East transformed into a powder keg, the conflict in Gaza, in Ukraine… The question is inevitable: Is the UN still an effective and relevant body? The latest criticism this afternoon at the United Nations General Assembly. Brazilian President Lula da Silva denounced the fact that the UN is increasingly empty and paralyzed.

The situation in the Middle East was an almost unanimous topic at the meeting of world leaders at the United Nations headquarters. Criticism of the organization itself was also constant.We need more collective efforts to prevent and end conflict,” said David Lammy, the UK’s foreign secretary. Although he is not alone.

“The United Nations system is dying, the truth is dying”said Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkey. The UN Secretary-General himself acknowledges the untenable situation at the global level and the difficulties he faces in addressing it: “The level of impunity in the world is politically indefensible and morally intolerable.”

But the reality is that this global forum has failed to stop recent conflicts like those in Sudan or Ukraine. Not at all. ends Israeli hostilitieseven if they acknowledge that they have mechanisms to do so

But the systematic blocking of permanent members such as Russia or the United States, using their right of veto in these security councils, results in inefficiency. AND their peace missions are limitedsuch as the one sent to Lebanon. Which calls into question the effectiveness of the United Nations in acting in global conflicts.




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