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What mud machine is Sanchez talking about?

“Here too, in Spain, where, like all democracies, we are faced with the disinformation that’s it mud machine; a democracy that is precisely besieged by these campaigns of disinformation and misinformation. hoaxes“; said Pedro Sánchez during the meeting with PSOE deputies and senators in which he announced that the following day the Council of Ministers would approve his Action Plan for Democracy, which is nothing more than a crude imitation of the gagging laws of the Chavistas and Kirchneristas.

However, when the Sociological Research Center (CIS) of the socialist José Félix Tezanos, an admirer, a friend, a slave, a servant of Pedro Sánchez; asked the September barometer “What do you think is the main problem that currently exists in Spain? And the second? And the third?”, only 2.4% of those surveyed mentioned disinformation, manipulation of information and the spread of hoaxes in the media and networks, which shows that 98% of Spaniards do not consider that our democracy is besieged by any “mud machine”.

Considering that the President of the Government has indicted his wife Begoña Gómez, his brother David Sánchez and his right-hand man, Koldo García; We all suspect what news Pedro Sánchez is referring to when he talks about a mud machine, disinformation and hoaxes. But independent journalists and opposition politicians should not miss any opportunity to ask him the question directly, so that Sanchez is forced to clarify which news he considers to be hoaxesso that there is no doubt about it.

If I had him in front of me, I would ask him if it was a joke on his part to say that his The wife is the first wife of a prime minister to be charged for influence peddling and corruption in business. Or perhaps he thinks it is a lie that never before has a government president had to testify in Moncloa as a witness in an investigation into a corruption case. Pedro Sánchez should also be asked if he considers the news that reports that His brother is accused of five crimes of corruption, embezzlement, prevarication, influence peddling and against the Public Treasury; who is domiciled for tax purposes in Portugal, in a ruined house, while he spends the night in the house lent to him by the secretary general of the PSOE of Badajoz, less than 150 meters from the office that he set up for him three months ago, the Provincial Council of Badajoz, in a hurry, after years without reporting to his post.

We all know that this news is what provoked Pedro Sánchez’s reaction, the same ones that pushed him to play the role of the man in love when he took five days to think after learning that a judge had indicted his wife. What you would like is that The free press will treat you the same as the media. of communication that he has tamed and eaten in his hand so as not to publish any news that could disturb him.

Sánchez will ask someone he personally chooses to head a registry of new media that will decide, applying the criteria that the President of the Government will indicate, who practices journalism and which pseudo-media cannot be registered. That same Monday, without going any further, the PSOE spokesman in the Balearic Islands, Iago Negueruela, described OKDIARIO as a “non-communication media”, which is why he refused to answer our questions, saying that he will not do it either. “No member of my party” will do it. The PSOE has already started to decide who will be able to register in its recording new media and those who won’t allow itThe next thing will be to prohibit the administrations that he does not control from contracting their institutional campaigns with the media that Sánchez did not allow us to register in his registry, undermining our democracy to demonstrate that Oscar Puente is right and that Pedro Sánchez has already become the fucking master of Spain.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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