Wednesday, September 25, 2024 - 12:57 pm
HomeLatest NewsThe delegate of the Government of Madrid closes ranks with the mayor...

The delegate of the Government of Madrid closes ranks with the mayor of Fuenlabrada and describes Ayuso’s policy with the menas as “inhumane”

Yesterday, the deadline for the submission of pre-candidatures for the Madrid delegation of the PSOE that will participate in the party’s federal congress on November 29 and 30 and December 1 in Seville opened. The candidacy of Juan Lobato, current secretary general of the Madrid socialists, is confirmed, but the “lobatistas” could find themselves facing an alternative candidate to head the delegation, who would have until the 30th to decide whether to challenge the spokesperson of the PSOE in Madrid before the great federal event.

In this context, every gesture counts. This is what happened yesterday with the government delegate, Francisco Martín, who went to the industrial area of ​​Cobo Calleja, together with businessmen and the mayor of Fuenlabrada, Javier Ayala, Lobato’s rival in the 2021 primaries and today one of the most prominent internal critics.

Ayala regretted at the time that there had not been a more resounding and explicit support from Lobato in his fight against the juvenile center that the Community of Madrid wants to open in La Cantueña. Yesterday, the delegate was as categorical as possible when it came to supporting the mayor of Fuenlabrada and attacking Ayuso at the same time.

“Opening a macro-centre for minors in the middle of an industrial area goes against the will of the neighbours, the businessmen, the social fabric and the institutions, but above all, it goes against the interests of the boys and girls,” warned Martín, who directly pointed out against the Madrid president for trying to open the centre: “It is a unilateral decision. “It is an inhuman decision for which Isabel Díaz Ayuso is the only person responsible.”

Fuenlabrada, for its part, faces a municipal plenary session this Thursday, September 26, in which the name of this mineral center will be debated. Ayala’s PSOE, which accuses the regional government of overpopulating children and isolating them in an industrial zone, wants it to be named “Isabel Díaz Ayuso”, and the PP counterattacked with another idea: better, they said, that it be called “Pedro Sánchez”. Lobato, moreover, was not aware of Ayala’s proposal until the press informed him of it in the Assembly.

In any case, since it is a centre belonging to the Community of Madrid, it will be up to the regional government, chaired by Ayuso, to name it as it deems appropriate.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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