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HomeLatest NewsPeralta City Hall spends 16,000 euros to put street names in Basque

Peralta City Hall spends 16,000 euros to put street names in Basque

He Popular Party of Navarre expressed his firm rejection of the recent decision to impose Basque in the middle zone of the Foral communityan area in which this language has not been spoken historically and is declared a non-Basque-speaking area.

This measure, promoted by the Socialist Party of Navarre in Peraltaclearly responds to the interests of the nationalist left and represents a blatant imposition that does not respect the sociolinguistic reality of Navarre.

In Peralta, for example, the city council recently approved the bilingual signage on all streets in the town, a measure that has been reproduced in cities like Sartaguda, Lodosa, Berbinzanaand which will soon be implemented in Ujué, Miranda and San Martin de Unx.

This decision was taken despite the lack of historical roots of Basque in these regions, which shows that it does not respond to a real social demand, but rather to a political strategy that seeks to artificially extend the use of a language in territories where there is no tradition.

The introduction of Basque in these regions also represents a unnecessary expenditure of public resources. In Peralta’s case, the labeling of the 246 new bilingual license plates It cost 15,900 euros, 85% of which will be financed by grants.

“This is another example of how the The Socialist Party uses the money of all Navarrese people to finance a linguistic imposition that does not respond to the real needs of the population, but rather to its political interests and those of its nationalist partners,” declared the Popular Party.

“We know about the efforts of the nationalist left to impose Basque throughout Navarre, but it is particularly worrying that on this occasion it has the collaboration of the Socialist Party of Navarre“, he added. “The PSOE, which previously defended freedom of choice and respect for Cultural diversity of Navarreseems to have changed its principles, yielding to nationalist interests.”

The Popular Party insists that these actions not only go against the linguistic identity of the middle zone, but also generate unnecessary divisions. Basque is not the mother tongue of these regions and its imposition, under the pretext of respecting Basque provincial law, has no sociolinguistic or historical justification.

Furthermore, the party stressed that: “Using bilingual labelling as a symbol of “normalisation” of Basque in areas where it has never been the language of common use is a political tactic that only seeks to promote a narrative that does not represent the reality of Navarre.

From the Popular Party of Navarre We will continue to denounce this type of action that constitutes an attack on the freedom of the Navarrese people and we will continue to defend the rights of those who do not want to be forced to live with a language that is not part of the tradition of their country. land. We are committed to continuing fight for an educational and cultural model which reflects the plurality and true identity of each region of Navarre, without political or linguistic impositions, and guaranteeing responsible management of public resources.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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