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Geroa Bai rejects the dirty game of Bildu and the PSOE in Pamplona to disapprove a UPN councilor

He advisor to Geroa Bai at the Pamplona City Council Presidency Commission, Koldo Martínez refused to participate in dirty game of Bildu and the socialists of the PSOE that this Tuesday, and in the face of opposition from the Pamplona City Council, they failed (with the casting vote of the presidency, in the hands of Bildu) UPN Advisor, Javier Labaru.

The disapproval continued with 5 votes for (EH Bildu, Socialists of the Pamplona City Council and Mixed Group), 5 votes against (UPN and PP) and an abstention (Geroa Bai).

It is not usual for the government team to be the ones disapprove of an opposition advisorThe government team is supposed to focus on governing and not on discrediting those who disagree politically, but in the case of Bildu and PSN it seems that this is more profitable for the gallery. get stuck in this kind of mud.

And they brought a statement to the Presidential Commission in which they assure that “since the motion of censure was filed, the municipal group of the UPN in general, but especially Mr. Labaru in particular, have decided intensify and raise the tone of public debatesusing hoaxes and personal dramas of people threatened with exclusion to get involved in politics, and losing the most basic forms of courtesy.

Concretely, the text of the declaration urges “to make Councilor Javier Labaru fail for theto the political use of extremely sensitive issues and for his attitude in the collegiate bodies of the Pamplona City Council, demanding that he stop using hoaxes as a basis for his opposition and that he maintain the respect of the rest of the councilors.

Geroa Bai’s advisor must have seen some strategy in him, Koldo Martinezthat he shares with Assyron (Bildu) and Mauléon (With you Navarre) the Government team and the continuous, unconditional and non-critical external support of Curiel (PSN), when he assured that “I have examined my conscience and I do not feel morally authorized to disappoint anyone. He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone.“.

In any case, his lukewarm stance did not prevent Labairu from disapproving as the tie was resolved by the casting vote of the chair. If it really seemed wrong to drop a councilor because “let he who is without sin cast the first stone,” then he should have voted against it.

In the ranks of the Popular Party, Carlos Garcia Adanero He assured that it was “not at all democratic” to disapprove of an advisor “to the Government” for his opposing opinions.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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