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HomeEntertainment NewsMarseille's fraudulent agents in court

Marseille’s fraudulent agents in court

Little town hall secretaries who get their hands dirty, association leaders who act as resellers, a director of a nursing home “dimmed” Since Monday 23 September, the Marseille criminal court has been investigating the ins and outs of the municipal campaign of 15 March and 28 June 2020 in two Republican (LR) strongholds in the Phocaean city. Led by Martine Vassal, current president of the metropolis of Aix-Marseille-Provence and the Bouches-du-Rhône department, the Marseille right had been caught between the two towers by this dirty proxy business.

Thirteen defendants, including two former mayors of the sector, Julien Ravier (11my and 12my districts) and Yves Moraine (6my and 8my) are on trial, until Friday, for fraudulent maneuvers and falsifications aimed at establishing 194 illegal powers.

“Everyone is sick in this procedure”“This is something that the former police commander Roland Chervet, who signed all the powers of attorney in question, knows,” said the president of the court, Pascal Gante, at the start of the proceedings. “a deterioration in her mental health incompatible with her appearance” ; Richard Omiros, former chief of staff and campaign manager for Julien Ravier, whom investigators described as “amnesiac driver” for fraud, he is hospitalized in a psychiatric ward; Claudina Hernández, general director of services of the city council of 11my and 12my The districts also failed.

“It is legal, it has always been done in the city hall”

The little hands of fraud are coming out ahead. Like Joëlle Di Quirico, 64, town clerk for forty-two years, but also Julien Ravier’s running mate, place on the list obtained after paying a cheque for 5,000 euros to the association Friends of Martine Vassal. With Valérie Deconi, these two municipal agents with a salary of 1,700 euros produced powers from A to Z.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. In Marseille, fourteen people have been summoned to court for fraudulent powers during the 2020 municipal elections

Seated before the first round at the oval table in the office of Claudine Hernández, director general of services, transformed into a forge workshop, these two women took the name of the director from a list of people who wanted to vote by proxy and the names of agents, often managers of the local council or the departmental council – chaired by Martine Vassal –, their spouses or even activists who were expecting in exchange a temporary position or a promotion to social housing.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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