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Concepción Cascajosa wants to postpone until October the new council on the renewal of the presidency of RTVE

On paper, on September 27, Cascajosa resigned as president. However, this is an internal agreement within the board of directors. It has no legal effect. Therefore, even if his mandate extends from the date on which there are no more governance problems for RTVE and she can stay in that position.

In this way, the current president postpones the decision of the board of directors on her future. A future that, in theory, has already been decided since this Tuesday even if there were no votes. The majority of the board voted in favor of her dismissal, even if a regulatory trick allowed the meeting to be postponed to later dates.

Against Cascajosa were the councilors appointed by the Popular Party: Jenaro Castro, Consuelo Aparicio And Carmen Sastre. They were joined Jose Manuel Martin Medem (Sumar) and the former president Elena Sanchezwho was not present and delegated the vote to his colleague from Sumar.

The aim was to get Cascajosa dismissed and then propose a rotating presidency. However, the vote was cancelled because another councillor, Ramon Colomrequested that the vote be secret. In case of absence Elena SanchezThe President decided to postpone the meeting until the next few weeks so that she could be present and vote secretly.

The aim, explain sources consulted by EL ESPAÑOL-Invertia, is to gain time while waiting there may be some kind of movement from the governmentConcretely, they explain, there could be a certain renewal of the board of directors with an agreement between the Socialist Party and the People’s Party. A plausible option, but one which, as the days go by, is moving away.

Another possibility that Moncloa could study is to launch a modification of the law that regulates RTVE to remove the requirement for a two-thirds majority in Congress. A reform that requires a parliamentary majority and that would force the Socialist Party to open the debate to nationalist parties like ERC and Junts and this could also lead to a reform of the number of council members.

Finally, there would be the intervention route. The possibility of a new single administration, albeit under a different name, is systematically raised.

This is to avoid the problems that existed with Rosa Maria MateoThis option, as reported by this newspaper, is being studied by the State Industrial Participation Company (SEPI), which is the largest shareholder of the RTVE company.

Once again the name of Jose Pablo LopezRTVE’s general director of content has been dismissed from his position on the proposal of former president Elena Sánchez. A dismissal that has cost him his position as a senior executive of the public company.

It is not known what figure José Pablo López would play in all this framework. Some sources indicate that it is just speculation; others, that it would be this new manager that SEPI could put in place.

Internal movements

Others, however, are considering the possibility that he will return as president before a renewal of the RTVE board of directors. The sources consulted estimate that this move seems almost impossible, given that it would require the consensus of the majority of administrators and that it seems unlikely that this will happen. At least, for now.

Furthermore, it must be taken into account that Moncloa assured Concepción Cascajosa on different occasions that she was the person who he wants to direct the creations of RTVE. This would force José Pablo López to return to the head of programs.

This latest cabal could only be carried out if there were a renewal of the board of directors. It should be remembered that the three councilors proposed by the PP, in addition to Martín Medem (Sumar) and Juan José Baños (PNV), have expired mandates. Furthermore, the seat of former president José Manuel Pérez Tornero (proposed by the PSOE) is vacant.

So far, the only thing that is clear is that the swords are at the top.




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