Friday, September 20, 2024 - 10:55 am
HomeEntertainment NewsEmmanuel Macron's absence pushes back the prospect of a head of government...

Emmanuel Macron’s absence pushes back the prospect of a head of government being appointed before the weekend

  • Following his consultations on Thursday, Emmanuel Macron made a state visit to Serbia, where he is expected to stay until Friday evening. This would postpone the decision on appointing a prime minister. “rather at the end of the week”according to the president’s entourage. In the best case scenario: according to François Sauvadet, president of the association of French departments, this meeting should not take place this weekend. “but rather during the next week”.
  • An expectation that irritates the detractors of the Head of State who, like Laurent Wauquiez, asked him to stop “postpone” by appointing a head of government. Lucie Castets, the candidate of Matignon’s left-wing alliance dismissed by Emmanuel Macron, will be expected on Friday at the Socialists’ summer university, where differences over the strategy to be adopted in the face of the former majority are marked.
  • If Emmanuel Macron is under fire from all oppositions, what about the image of political parties? The extensive post-election survey conducted by Ipsos for The worldAccording to the political research centre at Sciences Po, the Institut Montaigne and the Jean Jaurès Foundation, while Marine Le Pen’s RN is considered “de-extremist” in the eyes of the public, the positioning of Rebellious France is rejected by a growing number of voters surveyed.
  • What lessons can we draw from the electoral sequence of the European and legislative elections? Who benefits from the current political confusion and cacophony? Has the Republican front lived its last hours? Ask your questions to Brice Teinturier, Deputy CEO of Ipsos. He will reply to you after 10:30 am.

To go further:

Investigation. Political staff face widespread distrust from the electorate

Analysis. An effective but illusory republican front

Decoded. These numerous projects suspended due to the power vacuum, from the start of the school year to the suffering of the hospital

Editorial. In France, a dangerous and unprecedented political situation

Chronic. “Emmanuel Macron, who has never stopped wanting to avoid the parties, finds himself locked in a cold face to face with them”

Synthesis. The positioning of the right-wing parties against Emmanuel Macron during the “consultations”

To understand. Does the impeachment process against Emmanuel Macron, as promised by LFI, have a chance of success?

Interview. Benjamin Morel, constitutionalist: “Appointing Lucie Castets for Matignon is neither an obligation nor a prohibition”


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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