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HomeLatest NewsSánchez eliminates the accountability unit he created to promote transparency in Moncloa

Sánchez eliminates the accountability unit he created to promote transparency in Moncloa

He Government of Pedro Sánchez increases its opacity. It has removed the unit of responsibility – which depended on the Ministry of the Presidency– which, among its functions, was responsible for controlling the activities and policies carried out by the Executive and the different ministerial departments. Other units that were eliminated during the change of organization chart were replaced by others with a different name although with the same functions, but in the case of the Responsibility Unit No other replacement body has been created.

He Official State Gazette This Tuesday, Decree 954/2024 was published, which modifies the structure of the Presidency of the Government. In the letter, signed by Pedro Sánchez, this unit disappears, which, according to the functions assigned by the organization led by Félix Bolaños, was responsible for “monitoring and controlling the programming and implementation of government activity, which includes the activity of the set of ministerial departments. In addition, this organization also collected data for the report Being accomplishedwith which Sanchez presented the stages and progress of his government every six months.

However, in this new version, Sánchez eliminates this department, to the rank of General Subdirectorate, although, in order not to abandon his propaganda report in which he boasts of the actions of his executive, he has maintained the preparation of the information that is then collected in the report. Being accomplisheda function that will now centralize the new General Secretariat of National Policy, as well as other responsibilities already assigned to him, such as advising the President of the Government on the design and implementation of national public policies or promoting coordination between ministries to ensure the overall coherence of the Executive’s action.

In this way, while Sanchez He is demanding transparency from the Spanish media, in line with his project of supposed democratic regeneration – announced since he pretended to resign in April following the judicial investigation against his wife. Begoña Gomez-, public administrations increase their opacity. Among the measures promoted by the government to control the media are the National Commission for Markets and Competition a register of journalistic companies, supposedly because of the need to reduce the power of media groups.

So, while Sánchez demands greater transparency from the press, his government is making this responsibility increasingly difficult. An obscurantism that confirms the Council for Transparency and Good Governance (CTBG)which during the first half of the year evaluated 128 randomly selected state organizations, 78 of which do not even fulfill half of their obligations with regard to this democratic requirement regulated by law.

Speech Department

Last November, Pedro Sanchez reorganized the structure of Moncloa to face a turbulent legislature, marked by its pacts with separatism. Among the most notable developments in the organization chart of the Presidency of the Government, the creation of a Department of Speech and Message. An organization that was renamed in the new organizational chart collected this Tuesday by the BOE.

Now, under the name of Speech Department, a unit is created to assist the head of the Cabinet Directorate in all functions related to the proposal and preparation of speeches and messages of the President of the Government. The maintenance of this department reveals the importance that the socialist president gives to the messages that his government transmits to public opinion, in the face of a mandate marked by concessions to his separatist and pro-ETA partners.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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