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PS deputies will not vote on the text to repeal the RN pension reform, a “social lie”

On Tuesday 24 September, MPs from the Socialist Party (PS) announced that they would not vote on the text to repeal the pension reform proposed by the National Assembly (RN), while promising to raise the issue in the context of the examination of the Social Security budget and on a day reserved for the texts of La France insoumise (LFI) in November.

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The RN group has presented a proposal for a repealing law that will include in its The parliamentary niche of 31 October, the annual day on which a group dictates the agenda of the Assembly. Given the announced opposition of the right and centre groups, the text must mathematically obtain the support of the left in order to hope to be approved, an equation that torments all the groups of the New Popular Front (NFP).

On Tuesday, the Socialist MPs resolved the issue in a press release: “We do not vote for or associate ourselves with any initiative of the National Group. Last July we were elected as part of the Republican front. We remain faithful to our line of conduct.”they said.

The PS group’s press release does not specify whether its members will vote against or abstain, but their position makes the chances of adoption even more uncertain. The socialists denounce a “political lie”arguing that the best way to initiate a repeal would be to censure Michel Barnier’s government from October, a prospect that the RN dismisses a priori at this stage. They also point to a “social lie”accusing the far-right party of having “He was completely absent from the mobilization and the parliamentary debate against retirement at 64”.

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Finally, they argue that the RN does not have a group in the Senate and that, therefore, it would be impossible for it to obtain the inclusion of its text in the High Assembly, whose majority is hostile to the repeal, while the left has the right to do so in three groups, with parliamentary niches for each one.

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The Socialists are promising to launch an offensive in the Assembly through amendments to the Social Security budget and through a text presented during the parliamentary meeting of the LFI on 28 November. “It is not that we did not vote for this text, a publicity stunt with no future, that we are deserting the battle, but quite the opposite. Our voters will very quickly see our full mobilization to truly lead the repeal of the reform.”“The group’s spokesman, Arthur Delaporte, told Agence France-Presse (AFP).

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. Why La France Insoumise presents a new text to repeal the pension reform

The RN text plans to return the normal age of onset to 62 years “of the generation of 1955”and set the required contribution period at 42 years, “of the generation of 1961”. This is a step towards more ambitious changes if they come to power, say the Frente leaders.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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