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HomeLatest NewsRed Incola offers 45 scholarships to vulnerable families in Valladolid

Red Incola offers 45 scholarships to vulnerable families in Valladolid

Yesterday, Red Incola distributed 45 scholarships to vulnerable families in Valladolid, aimed at promoting the studies of their children, regardless of the educational level they are in. The amount of the scholarships, worth 600 euros each, comes from donations from individuals that Red Incola receives.

Before the aid distribution ceremony, which took place this afternoon at the Menéndez Pelayo Residence, Elena Marín, head of children and youth at Red Incola, explained that the objective of an initiative that is in its thirteenth edition is remove potential barriers that prevent families from providing an adequate education to their children.

In addition to this aid, Red Incola also provides beneficiaries with technical support and socio-family itineraries that facilitate professional integration and job search.

47 percent of the families receiving aid are single-parent families and, by nationality, the Peruvian family stands out, with 19 grants, ahead of Colombia and Venezuela, both with nine, and Morocco, with four. The rest is distributed to people from Argentina, Ecuador, Guinea and Mexico. Many of these families, waiting for their asylum applications to be resolved, They face a “long and now blocked” process that prevents them from obtaining a work permit and accessing public resources, as the organization details.

According to the studies, there are 19 scholarships for ESO students, twelve for primary education students, five for early childhood education, four for a higher vocational training diploma, three for a baccalaureate and one for the school of arts.

Désiré, a Venezuelan woman who decided a year ago to leave her country because of the “difficult” situation she is going through and traveling in Spain with her teenage daughter and three 9-year-old triplets, In statements, she thanked Ical for the opportunity that Spain and Valladolid offer her, while being grateful for the Red Incola scholarship, because for her the education of her children is essential.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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