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“Tropical” nights, when temperatures do not drop below 20°C, are increasing in France

In many temperate zones, this has long been considered an anomaly. The so-called “tropical” nights, during which the thermometer never drops below 20°C, are becoming more frequent and more frequent throughout France. This is a direct consequence of the warming of the atmosphere, which weighs on the most fragile organisms and pushes some to equip themselves with air conditioning to preserve their sleep.

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During the summer just past, which was rather mild in part of the country, Nice experienced sixty consecutive nights of this type. During the summer of 11-12 August, the thermometer remained at 28.1°C in Menton (Alpes-Maritimes). Before the storms broke out during this stifling period, Marseille recorded twenty-eight consecutive nights with temperatures above 20°C, Cannes twenty-six, and Perpignan twenty.

“This doesn’t surprise us, but it still scares us a little when we look at the data.summarizes Matthieu Sorel, climatologist at Météo-France. We are witnessing an increase in these episodes in the south and a very clear increase in the phenomenon towards the north of France. No region is safe anymore. »

The Mediterranean, “thermal regulator”

On Mediterranean cities, data from the last decade collected by Météo-France and consulted by The world They are impressive. the 1Ahem In August 2017, the thermometer remained stuck at 30.5°C in the middle of the night in Marignana, Corsica. An absolute record.

In 2022, the city of Nice experienced one hundred and four tropical nights, including sixty-nine in a row, another record. In this city, the series has been accumulating for ten years: ninety-three in 2018, eighty-two in 2019, eighty-nine in 2023, seventy in 2024. A clear marker of climate change. Indeed, between 1943 and 1952, the capital of the Alpes-Maritimes recorded, on average, only twenty-two “tropical” nights per year. Since 2015, no year has passed with less than seventy nights above 20°C.

“Like everything related to temperatures, it is a direct consequence of global warming, although there may be local variations depending on cloud conditions or the morphology of the environment.”analyses Robert Vautard, co-chair of Group 1 of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

According to a report by INSEE Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, published on May 21, 79% of the population of this region will be exposed to “tropical” nights during the period 2021-2050, while this rate is not only 35% during the period 1976-2005, “mainly in part of the coastal strip”. “The Mediterranean Sea acts as a thermal regulator, it can soften temperatures during the day but also keep them at a very high level at night.deciphers Mr. Sorel. It increases the humidity level, which adds a very unpleasant humidity that, combined with the heat, can have significant health consequences. »

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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