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Robles closes ranks with government and avoids calling Maduro a dictator in Congress

Control session

“It would be good if you dared to defend democracy without any fear,” Hoyo, of the PP, told Minister.

Defense Minister Margarita Robles with President Félix Bolaños Efe


Updated at 11:14 a.m.

Defense Minister Margarita Robles avoided calling Nicolás Maduro a dictator this Wednesday during the control session of Congress, after doing so two weeks ago during the presentation of Julia Navarro’s book “The Boy Who Lost the War,” where he distanced himself from the position of the rest of the government, which avoids this type of qualification under the pretext of maintaining its role as mediator between the Chavista regime and the Venezuelan opposition.

PP MP Belén Hoyo congratulated the head of Defense for expressing this opinion and asked him: “Do you still maintain that Nicolas Maduro is a dictator?” Robles, seated between the Minister of Justice, Presidency and Relations with the Cortes, Félix Bolaños, and the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, avoided answering directly and closed ranks with the Executive.

“I like that you follow my statements when I present books. I think it is good that we support Spanish literature. I recommend that you read ‘The Boy Who Lost the War.'” “I will invite you to the presentations and that way I will not have to repeat what I say,” Robles said sarcastically, saying that he would now ask publishers to send invitations to Ms. Hoyo. The minister was unable to repeat what she had said then.

“It would be nice if he dared to defend democracy without any fear. Why don’t you dare to repeat your words here today? Who made you back down? WHO?” “They are covering for a tyrant,” Hoyo complained, trying in vain to get the minister to speak, who insisted: “I try to speak in fairly clear Spanish. “I’m going to invite him and he will hear perfectly everything I say.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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