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Aragón TV places another signature in the direction of information without links to the community and with a conservative bias

The Aragonese Radio and Television Corporation (CARTV) continues to feed its main profiles with signatures with a conservative tendency and without previous relationship with the community. The latest case is that of the new director of information of the public entity, Elena García, who follows in the footsteps of Manuel Gómez Fernández, presenter of Buenos Días and former deputy of the PP in the Cortes of Valencia.

García, who developed her career in Salamanca – where she is from – and later in Madrid, has worked for ten years in the news of Antena 3. She also collaborates with the newspaper “La Gaceta de Salamanca”, where she has been writing columns since March of last year. The board of directors of CARTV informed its members of the latest signing this Tuesday, as reported by the company in a statement.

“With a career of almost 20 years in the media, he has a versatile profile and extensive experience in information services,” the entity notes in the note.

In the aforementioned columns, García openly showed his opinion about the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, to whom he referred with these words: “Lies, deception, lack of loyalty, saying one thing today and tomorrow the opposite attracts a human being with an unreliable but infinite profile when it comes to staying in office. Whatever the country, she can leave her daughters. And the daughters of her daughters, because there are decisions that can be decisive in the rule of law and that will mark the next generations.”

Faced with this, he defended the role of Vox within the institutions. Regarding the presence of the far-right formation in the Castilian and Leonese government, García asks in another of his columns: “Can anyone name me a single right that has been lost in Castile and Leon since the PP governed with Vox, more? more than a year and a half ago? Those of Abascal have done things as dangerous as promoting the opening of the Miguel Delibes House-Museum, support for birth and the family and commitment to the rural world. On the other hand, Yolanda Díaz is accused of having “an excessive love for being the parsley in all sauces.”

The new information director of the Aragonese public entity considers that the exhumation of the dictator Francisco Franco from the Valley of the Fallen is “the largest audiovisual production launched by an executive”, intended that “not a single voice is lost along the way.”, in reference to Pedro Sánchez.

His continued praise for the royal family and his defence of bullfighting contrast with his hostility to quotas for women: “(I hope) that public administrations make the same effort to place excellent people as they do to count the number of men and women they have in their ranks. positions.”

Nor does she seem very supportive of promoting Euskara in Navarre, as her comment on an announcement by the Basque Institute of Navarre aimed at promoting the language: “How far can you go by studying Euskara? What is this ‘new universe’ that you discover by studying Basque?” she asks in a message on X (formerly Twitter).

Elena García replaces Marta Benedí, who resigned from her position for health reasons less than a year after her appointment.

The Society was already in the news a few months ago with the appointment of Manuel Gómez Fernández to direct the morning show “Buenos Días”, also of an informative nature. Gómez was a regional deputy of the PP in the Valencian Cortes during the legislatures from 1995-1999 to 2003-2007. Between July 2015 and June 2018, she worked in the Communication Office of the Ministry of Employment, headed by Fátima Báñez. The presenter has been involved in several controversies since taking office.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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