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Madrid will lose 1.288 million of budget margin until 2026 due to the PP’s rejection of the path to stability

The people’s “no” to the path of stability proposed by the Government would entail a reduction in the tax margin of 1,288 million euros in two years for the Community of Madrid, 630 million in 2025 and an additional 658 million in 2026. The roadmap, which the Treasury was forced -yesterday- to withdraw in Congress due to the rejection of the Popular Party and the Juntas, grants the regions two-tenths of additional budgetary margin, allowing them to register a deficit of 0.1% in each of the next three years, compared to the surplus required by the previous path, now in force. “It is not possible that in the morning they ask the government for more money and in the afternoon they vote against this money destined for health, education and public services necessary for the inhabitants”, denounced the spokesman for the Madrid Socialists, Juan Lobato. Ayuso demanded from Sánchez – precisely – 650 million in advances, last June.

The fiscal blow caused by the refusal of the path to stability will not stop there and will extend to all municipalities in the region. The capital, Madrid will no longer have 304 million euros over the next two years, 98 million in its 2025 budgets and 206 million in what the mayor, José Luis Martínez Almeida, will propose a year later. The decrease represents more than 2.6% of the total budgeted for 2024. Others such as Alcalá de Henares – governed by the popular Judith Piquet – will also have 11.6 million euros less, or the Getafe City Council, led by the socialist Sara Hernando, will reduce its spending capacity by 10.7 million in two years. “This decision by the PP means that the Madrid municipalities will no longer receive 446 million euros,” Lobato insisted. Others fiefdoms The most popular ones, such as Majadahonda or Boadilla del Monte, will no longer have around 4.3 million euros each. It should be remembered that the budget of both cities had barely reached 84 million euros in 2024.

Those of Núñez Feijóo have not set conditions to negotiate a modification of the route in exchange for their support, beyond demanding that the Executive withdraw the financing agreement for Catalonia signed with ERC. “They are not there, the Popular Party is like a pediment, everything bounces on them,” said yesterday the spokesperson of the PSOE in Congress, Patxi López. The socialists have already begun negotiations to outline a new roadmap with a good part of the parliamentary arch. In addition to the bridges reopened with Junts, Moncloa will discuss the route with the groups that propose modifications to its content. “We will talk to everyone, as we do on all the points that will be submitted to this Congress. This government, the Socialist Parliamentary Group, is that of permanent dialogue. Otherwise, we would not have advanced anything,” insisted Lopez.

Overall, the failure of the stability path treatment will remove 12 billion in resources from the entire CCAA and municipal councils throughout Spain. “We ask the PP to show responsibility, the PP did not vote against this path in the CPFF, where it abstained, because the regional presidents of the PP know that these 12 billion euros (additional amount with the new path) are beneficial for the citizens they serve”, said yesterday the government spokesperson, Pilar Alegría, at the press conference after the Council of Ministers.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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