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Armenia talks peace but takes no real steps: Behind the scenes of Yerevan’s rhetoric

For several years now, new concepts have been observed in Azerbaijan’s foreign policy. Thus, official Baku, whose priority is to ensure territorial integrity until 2020, is now working to ensure an environment of peace, stability and cooperation in the South Caucasus. In particular, following the end of the junta regime in Karabakh as a result of one-day anti-terrorist measures in 2023, Azerbaijan is trying to sign a peace agreement with Armenia.

The remarks and statements of both sides show that a rather serious path has been taken towards normalization of relations. However, we can say that the process will develop at a limited level. The main reason for this is the contradictions in Armenia’s rhetoric. Thus, on the one hand, official Yerevan says that it is interested in peace, but on the other hand, it continues its destructive position. This suggests that Armenia’s words and deeds do not match.

On September 24, Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan, during a meeting with OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Maltese Foreign Minister and Member of the Maltese Parliament Ian Borg on the sidelines of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly in New York, said that his country is interested in establishing stability in the South Caucasus and is ready to sign a peace agreement with Azerbaijan as soon as possible.

By now, statements of this kind have been made many times. Experience and historical observations suggest that statements of similar content made by Armenian officials are simply calculated to confuse the international community. Otherwise, Armenia would have made sincere efforts in relation to the peace agreement. And, perhaps, a peace agreement would have been signed long ago.

As the official Baku has stated many times, the main problem currently hindering the peace agreement is Armenia’s ongoing territorial claims against Azerbaijan. These claims are also reflected in the Armenian constitution. If the peace agreement is signed before the relevant changes are made to the Armenian constitution, the other side will be able to claim Karabakh again in the future, invoking the basic law. This is not in Azerbaijan’s interest. Official Baku is interested in a permanent and sustainable peace in the region.

Secondly, Armenia has recently stepped up its military provocations. Shots are fired at positions of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces in different directions. This increases the likelihood of further tensions in the future.

Thirdly, attempts at revenge are gaining strength inside Armenia. Not only the opposition, but also government representatives are making unfounded accusations against Azerbaijan and trying to bring up the Karabakh issue.

Of course, all this is being done under the influence, incitement and pressure of the West. States like the United States and France, which want to maintain their influence in the region, understand that a possible peace will prevent third powers from interfering in the region. Therefore, they try to maintain constant tension. Armenia is used for this.

The Armenian authorities also understand that there is no alternative to regional peace. Normalization of relations with Azerbaijan and Turkey is the only serious guarantee for Armenia’s statehood. Because Armenia is currently caught between the West and Russia. The game over Armenia promises a serious threat to this state. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and his team probably understand all this. Despite this, he cannot show the necessary political will.

The work of the Armenian authorities is becoming more difficult every day. If official Yerevan does not take appropriate steps towards peace, the situation will become more serious and difficult in the future. Therefore, instead of trying to deceive the international community, Armenia should take real steps towards peace.

Information Agency “Report”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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