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“It will depend on their adherence to the PSOE agenda”

This Wednesday, Vox Vice President and Secretary General, Ignacio Garrigawent to Zaragoza to mark the strategic lines of the party in Aragon. He was accompanied by María Ruiz and Montserrat Lluís, two of the women who have the most weight in the National Committee. The objective was clear, to transmit to the PP of Aragon the red lines that the party will maintain when negotiating budgets, although Garriga preferred to speak of “principles” that Vox will also maintain by supporting the spending ceiling.

Garriga on Vox in Aragon

“It will depend on whether we assume the PSOE agenda“, he spoke at the gates of the Cortes of Aragon, in a national key. Despite this, Garriga tried to show that in each community there is “absolute autonomy” within the party to negotiate the spending ceiling and budgets, so “it may be that in some regions Vox supports them and in others not.” “Everything will depend on the PP,” he added.

For this reason he avoided at all times citing specific points in Aragon, referring to the fact that this is up to the head of the region’s training. Alexandre Nolascoand the rest of the parliamentary group, accompanied by the president of the Cortes of Aragon, Marta Fernández. However, Nolasco did not make any statements to the media, only Garriga spoke.

Vox “expelled by the PP”

The vice-president of Vox surprised the media with the new dialectic he used to evoke the dissolution of the autonomous governments, affirming that they were “expelled by the PP”, in a mechanical play on words, to accuse the people of these, that such pacts no longer exist, by “breaking the path that we travel together”, in reference to the Concordia plan (which was confused with a law that was never voted in Aragon), as well as to the issue of immigration.

In this sense, Garriga insisted that everything will depend on whether the PP continues to maintain the lines that both parties approached at the time of the governments, or if it decides to “assume the strategy” of the socialists, as they would have decided in Madrid, by “being willing to negotiate the spending ceiling with the PSOE“.

“We are very concerned about this drift of the Popular Party when it uses the media to repeat that it was Vox that became a ball of oxygen for the President of the Government, for Pedro Sánchez. But we must not forget that while Vox was making Pedro Sánchez sit before the judge, it was the PP that negotiated the commissions. That negotiated the fiscal and judicial bodies. That negotiated with the media and that finally sat down with the PSOE to distribute insecurity, ruin and degradation of our neighborhoods with the distribution of illegal immigration,” he stressed.

According to Garriga, “the PP once again assumes the management of the illegal immigration instead of fighting illegal immigration as Vox has demanded and defended since our creation. “We understand absolutely nothing. And neither do the Spanish. And against them, we want to choose a coherent alternative of principles. And above all, that we are going to have an absolute, infinite, total distance and strong opposition with the worst government that the Spanish have known in decades,” he added.

Precisely, this Thursday so much in the Zaragoza City Hall as in the Cortes of AragonVox members will defend motions on illegal immigration that make it difficult for other political groups, including the PP, to join.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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