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The architectural phenomenon of the Atabay period: When will the restoration of Momina Khat’s tomb begin?

The Tomb of Momina Khatin, considered to be the most magnificent work of Ajami Abubakr oghlu that has survived to this day, still revives the grandeur of the medieval city of Nakhchivan. The tomb, located in the center of the city, on “Ajami Square”, is a unique example of the architectural school and artistic mastery of Nakhchivan architecture.

From the inscription on the monument it is known that the tomb was built in 1186 in honour of Momina Khat, wife of Atabay Shamseddin and mother of his successor Muhammad Jahan Pahlavan. In addition to Momina Khat, the tomb also held the burial places of Atabay Shamseddin Eldeniz and Mohammad Jahan Pahlavan.

In addition to information about the purpose of the complex, the main inscription on the tomb reads: “We are leaving, but only the breadwinner remains. We die, the work remains a relic. God, keep away from the evil eye!” the words are written. From other inscriptions it is clear that the construction of the tomb was completed by Ajami Abubakr oglu Nakhchivani in the month of Muharram 582 (April 1186) according to the Hijri calendar.

The monument consists of an underground part and an above-ground unit. The underground vault part is octagonal. An arch is launched from the central column to each corner of the decagon. The elevated monument, which forms the main part of Momina Khat’s tomb, where the fascinating patterns of the walls are engraved, is angular on the outside and circular on the inside.

The tomb attracted the attention of travellers and merchants who came to Nakhchivan, and this was reflected in the works of a number of foreign authors. The French-Swiss archaeologist Dubois de Montperrier, who arrived in Nakhchivan in the early 19th century, became interested in the monument, removed its inscriptions and sent it to St. Petersburg academician Christian Fren. Since then, a number of orientalists have published their research works on the tomb itself and its inscriptions.

The tomb is the most outstanding example of Azerbaijani constellation-shaped tombs. Although the height of the tomb in its original state was 35 meters, the current height above the ground of the monument with the upper cover of the destroyed pyramid is about 25 meters.

Although the tomb of Momina Khat, which has a history of more than eight centuries, has preserved its existence to this day, the need to restore the monument has forced to take measures in this direction. After the talks, specialists from Austria were invited to Nakhchivan to restore the tomb.

The working group of the world-famous Austrian restoration company “Atelier Erich Pummer GMBH” has started a comprehensive study of the current state of the tomb of Momina Khat. The experts conducted a preliminary inspection of the monument in order to carry out measurements in the tomb.

Director of the company “Atelier Erich Pummer GMBH”, Erich Pummer, told an employee of “Report” that they came to Nakhchivan at the invitation of the Ministry of Culture.

“We have gained extensive experience in the restoration of historical monuments, especially in recent years. We are investigating the problems of the original monument. In this context, we have started the study of the complex with a 3D laser box and all autograph photographs. The goal is to preserve the monument for the future, we are investigating the best solution for this. It will last about a week. After that, we will begin restoration work based on the concept of activity that will be prepared in a few months,” the director of the company stated.

It should be noted that the works at the grave of Momina Khatin are carried out in accordance with the “Detailed Action Plan for 2023-2024” of the “State Program for Socio-Economic Development of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic for 2023-2027”.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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