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Michel Barnier receives this afternoon the heads of the parliamentary groups that support the executive

CGT number one Sophie Binet calls on the government to “bury” the unemployment insurance reform and “repeal” the pension reform

During the second day of meetings between the social partners and the Prime Minister, the CGT informed Michel Barnier and the Minister of Labour, Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet, of “the need to definitively bury the unemployment insurance reform and return control to social actors” to set compensation rules, CGT number one Sophie Binet told the Matignon court.

At this point, “The Minister of Labour told us that she shared the fact that we needed to return control to social actors on the issue of employment of older people and unemployment insurance”reported Binet, at the end of a one-hour interview.

Regarding the highly controversial pension reform, the Montreuil trade union centre also estimated that“There is no other solution than repeal”and proposed “a conference on the financing of our pensions”.

METROme Binet also warned the Head of Government on the issue of salaries, stating that“It is not about trying to increase net salary by lowering gross salary”to the detriment of social protection.

“The Prime Minister listened to us politely, he told us that he wanted to be useful to the country”Sophie Binet declared. But she continued: “Our concerns persist, which is why the CGT calls on employees to mobilize” the 1stAhem October, together with the FSU and Solidaires, to demand the revaluation of wages, the repeal of the pension reform and the defence of public authorities.

Asked about Bruno Retailleau’s (LR) statements on immigration, the CGT also said “extremely concerned to hear some words from the far right coming out of the mouth of the Minister of the Interior”. After the Minister of the Economy was called to order on Tuesday by Michel Barnier for his statements on the Republican arc, Sophie Binet estimated that “The Prime Minister does not [peut] not to be the object of Marine Le Pen’s desires”.

Consultations will continue at noon with the CFE-CGC, then on Thursday with the CFTC, the CPME and the U2P.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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